Do People Talk to Themselves?


Well-Known Member
So I have a serious question: do people normally talk to themselves, specifically out loud? And I don't mean constantly talking to yourself (I'm pretty sure that's not normal), I just mean if you're alone and thinking about something is it normal for a person to speak out loud to oneself? Or carry on a "mock" conversation about an imagined situation?


Well-Known Member
When I play madden I get fucking heated and I'll scream at my TV lol It probably looks hilarious.


Active Member
lol its not normal for people to speak to them selfs seriosly if you catch any one doing it tie them up and take them to your local nut house they pay for nutters. (well in the uk they do)


Active Member
To much time alone your probably doing it not relizing.We do get high as fuck on this site.Dam it shut up.There that nut goes again!!!!!!!!!


I'll make little remarks here and there to myself... "fuuck, where are my keys?".. "wtf do we have to eat...?" ..."where is my weed?"... but I never carry on conversations out loud with myself.


Well-Known Member
i dont have conversations with myself...but i constantly talk to myself all the time lol. like if i slip and almost fall i'll say "wow, good job sarah" haha or sometimes if im trying to sort out my thoughts i'll say them all out loud and sometimes that helps me to organize all my thoughts.


Active Member
Yeah, i don't talk to myself but when im about to leave my house or something i list off everything i have outloud because when i do it in my head i usually forget something, same when im itemizing anything really. Aside from that yeah. I sign to my self when im working out.... does that count? lol


Well-Known Member
I talk to myself if I'm high and alone. I'll just be laughing about nothing then I'll say "wtf am I laughing about?" then I'll say "Am I talking to myself?" Then "Yeah, I am, I need to get out more."


Well-Known Member
yeah, i talk to myself sometimes.
an admonishment, or a victory celebration.
mostly it's when i'm alone.
and it's more thinking out loud than talking to myself.
the occasional 'fuck yeah' or 'dammit'.


Well-Known Member
I find myself bitching about stuff to myself. Ya know " Everytime I'm in the kitchen, shes in the kitchen.... eaten up all the damn food." lol Thats it realy. I think ppl talk to themselves in thier heads alot more than they think though.


Well-Known Member
lol. yeah man that fine. Ill be chillin at home and I ll sing something or ask myself something out loud then start talking to myself and kinda mocking myself... it's embarrassing but funny


Active Member
i do it all the time. not sure how normal it is. i contribute mine to an insane amount of lsd in my 20's though lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i generally come downstairs for a beer rather head happy, look into the bathroom mirror and jsut start talking and then laughing at myself in the mirror :P

bam bam

Active Member
es, when I smoke really good weed, I talk out loud. Sometimes I would have this crazy mind high and an epiphany hits me and I think of some crazy shit then I try to expand on it so I talk it out.


If I'm zoning hard and thinking about a previous conversation I had, I may repeat what I said. I guess I'm trying to listen to myself say it to see if it sounded harsh or fucked up. Usually it's something that I'm worried may have been the wrong thing to say. Then I snap to and say "fuck em if they can't jake a toke."