do the buds need to b jarred right away?


New Member
i'm trimming and it's gonna b damn near impossible for me to have all the buds manicured and jarred as soon as they are done drying. i've already spent about 6 hours today on my first plant and i'm about 1/2 way done...does it matter if the plants are hanging in my drying room, for say 6 or 7 days, even though they are ready to be manicured and jarred after day 4 or 5?


Well-Known Member
yes it does. if its going to take that long you may over dry your buds and they will never smell and taste as good as they could. I would keep them at least in mostly sealed container and i would do this while they are still slightly (SLIGHTLY) moist. Shouldn't have to worry too much about mold if your container slow leeks and keep an eye them, burp them if needed. Something like a glass mason jar but put the lid on upside down i keep it a little bit loose. If you don't have enough containers you could always try to keep the dry room humidity high enough to keep them slightly moist, say 70% no more than that.
thnx man...i'll just suck it up and trim all day everyday for the next week
Haha I remember my first harvest I was so excited to trim & manicure. So I took my time slowly trimming every little part unwanted. 30 minutes into it, it my mind change to "ah fuck this shit ill just rush it"...

I cant imagine guys doing it every single day. ..pain in the ass


New Member
this is my second crop...last year i grew nirvana white widow and the yield was only 3/4 of a lb for 7 plants...i should b pushing 4lbs this year over 7 plants, better yielding strain, sannie's jack, and i know what i'm doing a little more. i remember trimming sucking last year, but i've literally done 1/2 of my first of 7 plants. no less than 6 hours...i'm gonna get back to it tomorrow and finish the first plant. i think weed is too i got a real job, i can't be trimming bud all day!


New Member
depends on conditions.At my house its fine to let it hang till you can get it(with in reason....7-14 days is w/in reason here~


Active Member
I know what you mean shits ways too time consuming. On top of it being time consuming its not like you can multi task like watch tv while ur doing it bc u gotta see what ur trimming lol!! I remember seeing this trimming machine on a youtube video i think its called an aardvark trimmer. maybe get that?


Well-Known Member
That's 1 of the reasons I grow 1 at the time and then sometimes I take a few branches at the time to trim before it starts drying.
I enjoy it though. I stretched out wanting more yield and did 8 at the time,that was to much like work for me.
GG & HY to ya!