Do these gals need nutes yet in Roots Organic soil?

Jug Stomper

Well-Known Member
These are few days older than 2 weeks, they have been in the Roots Organic soil for 2 weeks exactly. Now I know they say you start feeding them after 2 weeks, but Im a bit confused with this Roots soil, I usually use FFOF but decided to try this shit out, in the FFOF I feed around 3 weeks in. I cant find any reliable source or thread that talks about when is a good time to start feeding in the Roots. I am also more patient usually, but Im on a time limit this grow and really want these girls to veg strong in the short time they have. So if anyone has experience with this soil and any recommendations it would be much appreciated, I probably should water them here in a few hours.
By the way I am using The Botanicare pure blend line and some of their supplements, I did give them a tad of Liquid Karma a few days ago, they seemed to like it
In the pics:
top left- Pinnapple Express from G13 labs
top right-L.A. Confidential from DNA
Bottom two- Afghan Kush from World Of Seeds
THX for any helpSAM_0553.jpgSAM_0554.jpgSAM_0555.jpgSAM_0557.jpg Guys!!!!!



Well-Known Member
soil nutes usually last a month in that size pott you cheak the runn of usually can tell when the bottom leaves start to yellow

Jug Stomper

Well-Known Member
In planters that size? No, wait until the plants tell you they need something.
What is most likely to pop up? I have never done the transplanting thing, I have always put my seedlings right into their home, you think that soil will carry me through for a while?


Well-Known Member
its not unnecessary but very very usefull.............i wish i would have invested in one earlier.......

The Weedster

Active Member
You have very nice looking leaves on those plants dude... Seems like they are liking what ever you are doing at the time... If their growth starts to slow alot or if you notice leaves slightly turning yellow then I would start out with either 1/4 or 1/2 strength nutes to test the ground a little before going to full strength nutes.... Like I said .. Them are some pretty plants you got there so far..

Jug Stomper

Well-Known Member
its not unnecessary but very very usefull.............i wish i would have invested in one earlier.......
wish I had the cash to get one right now, but Ive gone over my budget, wasted some cash on one of those Exhale bags after I was already strapped.

Jug Stomper

Well-Known Member
Thx man, I think I will start with a small 1/4 strength in few days here. So far they have had 3/4 dose of liquid karma.

Jug Stomper

Well-Known Member
over the last 3 days, growth has really slowed down, and the PE is starting to yellow up a little bit, so I am thinking this roots dont have alot of N to start with, should of stayed with the FFOF. But anyways Im gonna give them some of that Botanicare Pure Blend, even though I dont need to water till tommorrow probably, but I think they need some food. Ill let you all know how it goes. I was also given some bat guano but I dont know what to do with it yet, make a tea I guess, but I have learn how to do that still.


Active Member
I use Roots and love it. I figure you got about a week per gallon of soil. I would be adding Superthrive during veg tho. Great little supplement. Good luck and Good growing


Active Member
I dont have ppm meter, is it really necessary with soil?
I use RO potting soil. I started with a much smaller pot and the girls did'nt need any nutes at all up to transplant about three weeks later. Just watch your leaves. I worried about PH and all that in the beginning but I don't even check it anymore. I started my soil off with the OregonismXL to help kick in my soils bennies and microbes and fed them Trinity as a catalyst. I did this in advance of planting because the beenies will compete with the plants for N in the beginning and deprive your plants. The only problem I encountered was a mag def and I just added some epsom salts to my watering and they were a dark emerald green within days. That has been my experience.


Active Member
Another note. You're soil has guano in it. I use the RO nutes and the both contain bat guano, EWC, kelp extract, alot of the stuff you're talking about adding anyway.