Do these girls look redy


Well-Known Member
They are a very low odor smell. But for just one no need for filters but they still need plenty of fresh air.
Wow! those look great. How strong is the smell off those? Interweb searching gives mixed results. Some people say they aren't very pungent and others that they are. Just wondering if a single plant grow would need investment in filters?


New Member
They are a very low odor smell. But for just one no need for filters but they still need plenty of fresh air.
My girl is going to get best care I can give her - promise :)

I am new to growing Insangu but I do grow lots of my own food. Hopefully everything I have learnt so far with my chillis etc trasnfers well.

Thanks ya for the quick response ;)



Well-Known Member
God i remember these. dry wait was 64 oz amazing first time grow. For some reasons I can't get no where near that now and not doing anything different.