Do they monitor Electricity Usage?


Active Member
ya in America, I know for a fact our company does not work with any such organization to crack down on people. if that had been the case we would loose thousands of dollars of revenue. we will only help law enforcement when they have a court order to reveal information about a particular client and I myself have not see anything like this happen in quite sometime.


Active Member 5 pages of responses we have one actual news report of a bust from power consumption (and that was 4 years ago). Everything else is anecdotal at best. There's your answer.


Well-Known Member
i read anartical stating a cop was survailing a home with infrared camera. when the cop finished his investagation and went for the inditement the judge threw it out because (eventhough the guy had been convicted for sales and cultivation before) he cop could not prove if he was growing or had a steam room set up in his house. control the smell and your trash, be quiet and PAY YOUR BILLS ON TIME and you will be okay.

Trader Bill

Active Member
If I went for a 180 dollar power bill to 600 i'd be worried.

It's true companies don't typically nark out their customers because it's bad for business. However, many power companies are local government operations. You'll probably be ok.


Active Member
I dont understand how your bill can jump 400$. Lets say average you use 3000 watts for 15 hours a day. So thats 45KWH per day x 30 = 1350KWH per month. Then lets say where you live its 15cents per kwh which is kind of high. So that would be .15x1350= 203$. I dont think you have 3000watts but how do you jump 400$?

fat sam

Well-Known Member
no man thats not going to get you busted i was in that same ball park for years, what they would do first is call and ask if you knew why your bill jumped and you just say you got a hot tub or something like that, they do that to make sure its not a faulty meter or leak somewhere, also you can get a new hot water heater that runs on gas and a gas clothes dryer, or if thats not an option you can turn your water heater down to 130 f. below that there is bacteria that can grow in it, if you own the home another option would be to get some solar pannels on the roof, they produce power even if all the lights are off and will send any extra power back in to the system spinning the meter backwards


Active Member
So let me get this straight, 6x400 watt lamps raised your electric bill 460 bucks? BULLSHIT, complete BULLSHIT those numbers tell me that you're BULLSHIT. kwh per 1000 watt turns up about 46 dollars a month and you're telling me that a 400 watter costs 75.00!+!!! BULLSHIT


I'm not too sure what I think after reading all of this. When I lived in CO I was doing an 8000w setup with $800-1200 power bills. When I moved to CA I lived in a house that had 22,600w in lights alone(for over a year)....and i'm sure the bill's were super high. I kept hearing from ppl I met in CA that pg&e didn't care what you had going, they just wanted their money.

I personally think for the most part you will only get that knock on the door if your neighbors make calls on you or you are suspicious. Funny thing is we lived across the street from some Meth dealers who constantly had the joe's at their house from constant traffic...and I do mean constant. We'd see ppl coming over there alllll daaaaaay loooooong. Kind of scary finding that out after moving into our place.

Most stories I read on the internet the cops even say the neighbors tipped them off blah blah blah and that growers are becoming more and more slick in their ways.


flowered Nov. 29th Flushed the 6th/Jan. Trikes are 75% brown.
bought the GA at a club in SF.

The BC machines are pretty damm efficient, i'll give them that. But they run over $3K per machine. Stll, I'll have a harvest every 2 wks of at least a pound. SHould quickly offset costs for the machines. It was pretty funny the day they all arrived to my neighborhood in a big delivery truck with crates. luckily no neighbors around.
bc machine?


Active Member
Does anyone have more than anecdotal evidence that electricity usage is monitored? If so, can you direct me to a website or something?

I have gone from $180 to about $600/month and can't help wondering about whether my dramatic recent rise will raise red flags. And if so, with whom?

I'm under the impression that there must be probable cause for such privacy infringement. But in this day and age the Patriot Act seems to allow for just about anything.

I used to work for British gas and they were constantly reporting people but only fair size operations.

We could see when there was a great voltage draw this is caused by the igniters that spark the discharge lamps, there is a great very unique draw to ignite the discharge lamp which we can see, when the bulb is first ignited, its only when they reach full brightness this then drops. Its a very, very unique power draw nothing else like it. LEDS are completely different but still unique, the transformers instead step down the voltage which we can also tell, but a great deal of people use LED for down lighting in their ceilings but these only draw 100 / 300w in houses. We can even tell when people open their fridge due to the power it takes to re-refrigerate, invasion of privacy I know!

The best way to hide it is use Tesla modules to charge and discharge the electricity, you can even charge Tesla modules at charging stations if you want to be super under the radar but a advanced charging system would need to be setup to charge at the 50kw charging speeds, no electrical company will report high usage its only if they see a correlation at certain times of the day lights on / off as people could have 1 electrical heater per room! Thats 3kw, if you have 10 rooms thats 30kw per hour 720kw per day! Some people just dont realise how much a electrical heater costs in power.

Ps What ever you do DO NOT Steal the power!!!! :wall:

Thats the biggest reason people got caught, its easy to pin point the house that is stealing power even if you are temporally connecting and disconnecting the meter.

Ps dont tell them I told you guys. ;)


Well-Known Member
I used to work for British gas and they were constantly reporting people but only fair size operations.

We could see when there was a great voltage draw this is caused by the igniters that spark the discharge lamps, there is a great very unique draw to ignite the discharge lamp which we can see, when the bulb is first ignited, its only when they reach full brightness this then drops. Its a very, very unique power draw nothing else like it. LEDS are completely different but still unique, the transformers instead step down the voltage which we can also tell, but a great deal of people use LED for down lighting in their ceilings but these only draw 100 / 300w in houses. We can even tell when people open their fridge due to the power it takes to re-refrigerate, invasion of privacy I know!

The best way to hide it is use Tesla modules to charge and discharge the electricity, you can even charge Tesla modules at charging stations if you want to be super under the radar but a advanced charging system would need to be setup to charge at the 50kw charging speeds, no electrical company will report high usage its only if they see a correlation at certain times of the day lights on / off as people could have 1 electrical heater per room! Thats 3kw, if you have 10 rooms thats 30kw per hour 720kw per day! Some people just dont realise how much a electrical heater costs in power.

Ps What ever you do DO NOT Steal the power!!!! :wall:

Thats the biggest reason people got caught, its easy to pin point the house that is stealing power even if you are temporally connecting and disconnecting the meter.

Ps dont tell them I told you guys. ;)
Why you bumping all these old threads about electric. Someone a little bored here