do u find it hard to conserve weed? i just smoke it everyday until its gone.


Active Member
i have connects that are impossible to deal with sometimes so when i had the chance i bought an ounce of a bc strain called nebula. i was hoping to have a lot to share at a friends birthday party on dec 19 and also enough to share with friends on christmas lol.

but i smoked it all up. it is totally impossible for me to have weed in the house and just be like "oh i'm saving that for..."

Its funny though when i don't have any i don't fiend for it, but if its in the house i can't let it be


bud bootlegger
i am the same way.. if i have it, i smoke it till it's gone.. but recently.. say the last year or two, i found a little trick that helps me save some like you were talking about doing.. i will leave the majority of it in the bag, but i will take out whatever i think i may need for christmas or a buddies bday or whatever.. i just take it out of the bag, put it in a separate container, and put it somewhere that is not easily accesible to me... although i know that i still have that other bud hidden away, i try not to touch it except for what i put it away for.. i have pretty good luck doing this, and have only smoked the other stuff a couple of times before i had planned to..


Active Member
Weed is meant to be smoked. That's all there is to that! :D

EDIT: And converted into textiles, medicines, inks, dyes, nutrition, etc.


Well-Known Member
it happens to me when I buy shit brick weed.... if it's good weed it lasts a little longer, but not much...

if i don't have some weed i get cranky after the 3rd or 4th day.... i get bored quick if i'm not high.... love love LOOOVE it..............


Well-Known Member
fuck i wish i could save some......smoke smoke smoke till its all gone. now im trying to get a perpetual going . i didnt have to buy a bag of weed for a year and a half. i bought a 20 last night and it sucked compaired to what im used to


Active Member
it happens to me when I buy shit brick weed.... if it's good weed it lasts a little longer, but not much...

if i don't have some weed i get cranky after the 3rd or 4th day.... i get bored quick if i'm not high.... love love LOOOVE it..............
i agree about getting bored when i'm without weed. if i get stoned i'm willing to go do just about anything and if i smoke weed before it can make any damn thing seem fun. i'm 23, but went to an aracade stoned the other night and it was so much fun.


Well-Known Member
that's how i spent my afternoons back in highschool... get out of school at 230, toke up on the way to the mall, play air hockey for a couple of hours before going home.... we'd play with all these little kids n shit... we didn't care, we were high... we got to know the ppl that worked at the arcade (free tokens!), even met the girls at the accessory booth (BAM!).... good times....


Well-Known Member
I hate that shit. A few years ago I would buy a quarter and be like this will last me a while. Now its gone within 2 days! I also like to put some away and if your lucky you forget about. Then when your hurtin and you remember you put some away... best feeling! I also try and leave little bits of weed in seeds & stems. Then when I run out I get a good bowl or 2 goin through them. Try using a grinder to. Out of weed just tap out your grinder and usually end up with good amount of kief.


Well-Known Member
i used to just smoke it soon as i got it, no matter how much it'd be gone in as long as it took to smoke. now i only buy every so often so i split it up when i get it, then when i've emptied one of the boxes i'm like 'jeez, that went quickly, should probably simmer down a bit.' lasts waaaaay longer now

Sr. Verde

you gotta plan out your shit, tell yourself not to smoke more than a gram a day, and toke small bowls and take breaks between bowls

I plan on smoking like 5% of what I have right now just cause I know i gotta flip it to make even on it


i smoke as much as i need to.... which varies depending on the type of weed... i go through shwag like cigarettes... but a good heavy indica, i can pack a bowl and just take 2 hits every once in awhile... lasts ALOT longer.... it all depends


Sometimes, if I know I'm gonna be low for a while, I can make an eighth last me a month and still smoke every day. It's kinda cool, because I feel like it hones my sensitivity more when I do that, and I can mentally track the whole onset. :eyesmoke: