Do U Want To DOUBLE The Crystals On Your Plant??


Well-Known Member
newsflash: being on RIU gives u cancer! a new study showed that the green backround causes cells to go crazy and make cancerous cells we will all be dead within 24 hours lol

P0t Sm0k3r

Active Member
want to know theses any gud...........

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif][SIZE=+1]Control the shape and growth of your plants with light - Photoponics. [/SIZE][/FONT]​
Introducing Nlite™ - a range of Quality Fluorescent lamps designed for PLANTS (also perfect for aquaria and reptiles).

Each lamp has choice of 3 colours :- Blue and Red and PURple™.

[SIZE=+1]PURple™ ? YES. Introducing the Nlite™ PURple™[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]PUR stands for Photosynthetically Useful Radiation.[/SIZE]

Humans are most sensitive to green light (green curve below). Wide spectrum light with lots of green appears to us as white.
Plants use a part of the sun's spectral range to grow. This is known as the PLANT ACTION SPECTRUM. (yellow curve)

Light energy in this range is measured as PAR - Photosynthetically Active Radiation.
Plants look green because they reflect most green light, and absorb most red and blue.
Plants therefore respond more to light from the RED and BLUE ends of the plant action spectrum.
PURple lamps have this ideal spectrum shaped the way plants "see" the light. (white curve) ( a little spike of green is left to allow US to see plants lit by PURple)

[SIZE=+1]PUR is the amount of the PAR that the plants use efficiently. [/SIZE]

Nlite™ lamps are made in 3 PUR colours. Plants change their growth response to different levels of these PUR colours :-
  • PURple - The Ultimate 100% PUR. Purple is perfect for all stages of plant growth, germination, root development, tuber and bulb formation and gives lots of internodal growth, and budsites. Great for orchids, cacti, ethnobotanicals, coral, sea plants etc. A small amount of NEAR UV ensures good production of essential oils - Great for Basil and other aromatic herbs.
  • BLUE. stimulates chlorophyll production more than any other colour, encouraging thick leaves, strong stems and compact vegatitive and leafy growth, keeps internodes close. Great for seedlings and cuttings. Perfect for plants cropped before flowering stage, such as lettuce and cress. With only blue light your plants stay short, and maturity takes much longer
  • RED encouages maturation of fruit and flowers towards the end of growth cycle. Use exclusively for the finishing period to maximise your fruit or flower yields. Perfect for flowers, peppers, and tomatoes. Too much red and no blue early on will S...t......r....e.......t.....c....h... your plants and increase internode distance.
(Blue and Red Nlites™ are available here)

(By contrast HPS lamps give out 100% PAR, but only 33% PUR ! mostly they give out green and yellow and harmful infra red)

We recommend greater than 50 watts of Nlite™per 30cm x 30cm (square foot) of horizontal canopy. Light distance can be as little as 3cm, the closer the better.

All Nlites™ are T5HO ! Thats 48% more light than standard T5.

Nlite™ Fluorescents have these Features and Benefits:-
  1. Low Power Operation , thus saving costs and earth resources
  2. Low working temperature allowing more light closer to your plants because of massive heat reduction.
    • 200W professional versions use separate ballasts to massively increase control over infra-red radiation (damages all plants), heat build-up, safety and humidity problems.
    • Seperate ballasts reduce future Economical and Environmental costs, only replacement lamps are needed. This significanly reduces replacement costs in subsequent grow cycles.
    • Separate ballasts increase light output, reduce electricity use. and run silently
  3. Plastic shell is made of recycled material.
  4. Reliable.
  5. 6 MONTH GUARANTEE against manufacturing defects.
  6. Best Quality well engineered PLANT fluorescent lamps.
  7. Compatible with ordinary E40 screw lighting fixture.
What is Lumen output of these lamps ?
Though given, it is irrelevent ! Lumens are for Humans not plants ! Lumens measure how we see light. Our eyes prefer green light. Green light has the most Lumens, Red and Blue the least. Most fluorescent lamps are made to look bright for humans by adding huge spikes of greeny yellow light.
Lumens only measure how BRIGHT the light appears to us.
Lumens cannot measure light useful to plants - PUR

*What is the Kelvin colour temperature of these lamps ?
The Red and Blue lamps DO have a Kelvin colour specification, but the PURple™ does not.
The Kelvin color simply describes to which temperature a block of Carbon must be heated in order to match the apparent colour of the lamp.
It does not measure the Quantity OR Quality of the light for growing plants.
PURple™ does not appear in the Kelvin scale as it is a mix of TWO colours.

What is the CRI ?
CRI allows comparison between different lamps ability to render color, It measures how much the Red and Green and Blue reflected light, looks RIGHT to our eyes.
It does not measure the Quantity or Quality of light useful to plants - PUR

This was found under General Marijuana Growing: Things to know about lighting.


Well-Known Member
i swear i knew this guy who worked at the chernobyl nuclear power station in russia, and he ate an orange a day to keep the doctor away and he came back with cancer, so id strongly advise you to stay away from oranges also
Now that's funny.

On a side note: subscribed. I wanna see those pics tomorrow. If they are good I may give this a whirl.

P0t Sm0k3r

Active Member
Using Coloured Light for Growing

50%50% Seedling100% Cutting50% 50% Early Veg50% 50%Late Veg 100%Early Flower30% 70%Late Flower 30%70%Early Fruit50% 50% Late Fruit100% Early Seed100% Late Seed

I found this on Nlites website.

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
this is a tempting test. i want to try it because im using bagseed. like really bad bagseed. so if i could double what it was it might actually be worth growing.


Well-Known Member
ozone producing cfl's sound good in principal but if there close to foilage wonder if you'll get ozone damage? like you get with the big commercial air purifiers?? if not thats a good thing for anyone with cfls bulbs that scrub your grow room for you now thats some good stuff :)


New Member
Hey Doc, Have you tried this before?
I have a friend that is doing this at the moment with great results, pics will follow tomorrow he has one room with and one room without, he is a using sunbed tubes for his room and the crystal has covered the plants immensely.
I will get him to email his pics to me so I can post them, he is to paranoid to go on these sites.
Here is what he emailed me today!

so does it work?



Well-Known Member
i have 1 of these uv in loft from my dads first grow about 14 year ago i asked him wt he used it for as in wt part of growing and he replied i hung around with dumb ppl at the time tht new fuck all so i dunno lol, but if its 1 of them tht turn ur white clothing purple?

if so im of to go get it haha


Well-Known Member
when you say
"All your plant/s need is 30 mins of uv rays a day during the latter stage of flowering in 3x10 minute bursts"

do you mean while the lights are on or off and have you tried this your self?


New Member
when you say
"All your plant/s need is 30 mins of uv rays a day during the latter stage of flowering in 3x10 minute bursts"

do you mean while the lights are on or off and have you tried this your self?
Like i said in my first post do this during ur light cycle,
this could f*$k ur grow up, and no I havent personally done this myself the pics are my friends grow who is doing this, and has been for a while with excellent results!!


Well-Known Member
cool deff will try,ill try it on my hydro setup,im finally converting to hydro.

i think they have cfl uvs,oh ya btw they now have ozone emmiting cfls for like 5bucks each
Ozone, as in O3, emitting bulbs? Are you sure about that? I am incredulous.

Metal halide bulbs also emit UV radiation, the amount depends on the bulb.


Well-Known Member
this sounds great u really wanna try it now. still a while from flowering but i am gonna do it and compare it to my last grow.


New Member
Hi all hope you all benefit from this tip and have gr8 yields, keep us posted with your pics etc, and any feedback!!