Well-Known Member
"facade of popularity"
Ah, is that what you call receiving more individual campaign contributions than any other presidential candidate in American history?
I voted for Bernie in the 2016 primary but when he lost by double digits I had no problem voting for Hillary.
It's what happened after the convention that kind of turned me off to the whole Bernie thing.
Our primary is in April so I may wind up voting for him again if it looks settled by then, just to show solidarity.
I still think money in politics sucks. Whether it's big money or accumulated big money from small donations, it's still big money in politics.
There used to be FCC equal time laws. I recently watched the Muhammad Ali-Jimmy Young fight from April 1976 on YouTube. Frank Gifford was doing the preflight show in Baltimore. There were numerous politicians in the crowd and Gifford said on the air that he couldn't interview any of them because of equal time laws.
How things have changed. You can almost buy an election now if you have the money. That just doesn't seem right and I don't care where the money came from, it's still money if you know what I mean.