Do ya think shes ready?


This is my first Grow and other than a lil mold i think ive done pretty good, But since im not experienced i dont trust myself, i really dont wanna harvest to soon or to late. so i was hoping you guys could give me a lil input on what u think about this bud, is she ready or should i still wait.

Sorry if the pictures arent that Great my camera isnt workin very good for some reason,

Ive also ordered a jewelers loupes to use on my other plants and should b here by the 22




its hard to tell from the pictures...however if you get a good magnifying glass take a look at the individual trichomes. If you see them turning milky white and some amber color then its time to harvest. Also if the white hairs are turning brown that is also another good indication to harvest. IF the trichomes are still clear then its too early to harvest.


well i live in upstate new york and for the last few weeks its been pretty wet and rainy, and for the last 3 days its been pretty cold as well, during the day its been like mayb 65 and around 35 at night, we almost had a frost 2 night ago as well.
As for the red hairs on my plant i would say its about 65-70% and they are withered/wilted, idk if there wilted b/c of the stuff i sprayed on it to get rid of the mold or if the plant is naturly doing it
thanks for you help everybody.


its hard to tell from the pictures...however if you get a good magnifying glass take a look at the individual trichomes. If you see them turning milky white and some amber color then its time to harvest. Also if the white hairs are turning brown that is also another good indication to harvest. IF the trichomes are still clear then its too early to harvest.
here are a few better pic



Well-Known Member
Looking good man. I'm in the far north east as well, and at this point, weather's gonna determine when I pull em more than anything. I'd say just watch for the first signs of mold and be really proactive, don't let it get away from you. Even if you have to harvest tomorrow, you won't be disappointed. At the same time, if weather cooperates for you, you could go another two weeks no problem. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
IMO spraying stuff on buds can turn hairs red, i still see white hairs so I think easy another week however if the weather gets to bad then no point of leaving it a noob grower with VERY little experince so don't listen to me jus sayin my


Well-Known Member
I'm about in the same situation..on the east side of the Cascades in Oregon, where this time of year frost is really more a concern than rain. I'm letting the weather dictate when I harvest at this point...I have one plant 4 weeks out and two othes more like two weeks...Luckily our forecast for the next 15 days calls for possible showers next Monday, every other day is supposed to be sunny, highs in the upper 70's low 80's with 50's night time temps. Hope it holds!


I wanna thank everyone for the input its all been very helpful
I wanna show ya all a pic of one of my fav plants tell me what ya think. ohh and i know she deff got a few more weeks left



Well-Known Member
I wanna thank everyone for the input its all been very helpful
I wanna show ya all a pic of one of my fav plants tell me what ya think. ohh and i know she deff got a few more weeks left
she is looking good wish mine were that far along