do yall think these are ready???

i apoligize in advance im just getting impatient. these are the best pics i can get, they still dont do her justice. the trichs look milky to me right now, but her whaite hairs arent all orange, a matter of fact there actually kinda pinkish, but anyway do you think im good to harvest it??? please tell me before i go and do somthin dumb. thanks.....


BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
not ready yet wait a week then flush for a week.. mabe longer, but now is when they will plump up and put on weight abd get dense.... you'll see in time:)


Active Member
Yes, first off, at least look at two weeks, watching the while for the hair to recede and turn. You should experience denser and better quality by waiting.
One thing, I don't nessesaryly go by trichs but it's a good gauge to know the progression of where you are. Magnifiyng glass, a kids microscope, or a telescope lens turn backwards to view the trichs, worst case senerio you can by something to view with. Good luck and looks Great!
Yes, first off, at least look at two weeks, watching the while for the hair to recede and turn. You should experience denser and better quality by waiting.
One thing, I don't nessesaryly go by trichs but it's a good gauge to know the progression of where you are. Magnifiyng glass, a kids microscope, or a telescope lens turn backwards to view the trichs, worst case senerio you can by something to view with. Good luck and looks Great!
thanks for the advice everyone, ill wait another week at least on the big one, and yeah probaly another month on the plants behind the good one. its just been a long ass process. i started the plants back in august. i know this is the wrong forum but what can i do or what is most important for growing them quickly?? light maybe, i use cfls.


Active Member
Pink hairs? is this bubba kush? my bubbas have pink hairs, I've never seen it before now. I'm 6 days from cutting and they are alot further than yours are.
dont judge ripeness by the hairs, judge by your trichs since thats where the THC and Canabinoids are produced. the more percentage of amber they are the more couchlock you'll get. ripe buds mean good buds.


Well-Known Member
agree with seedlessXXX. wait, be patient and don't flush yet keep your nutri schedule in have three weeks or so yet.