do you beleive in ghosts

That's a tough one to explain, but here it goes:

Before mankind ever existed, there were basically two types of beings: angels and jinn. We don't believe in "fallen angels", as jinn like us have free-will and independent thought. A devil or demon is nothing more than a rogue jinn.

They have been described as "smokeless fire". They live in a parallel dimension to us in the same space and are forbidden to interact with us (by God's law). So the ones that do cross over to our reality are pure evil, and they can harm you in several ways.

Since they're not bound by space they can travel great distances instantly. And because they live for centuries, they can easily impersonate a dead person.

We also believe that every person or self is born with a jinn anti-self, but that's another story altogether...

Please watch all parts of this (if you can get through his Quebecois accent :D). Don't worry, it's not Islamic but is pretty close to what I believe.
pretty self-explanatory really :D
No it's not. I would like to hear you explain the shirt. I mean you can throw down with religon pretty easy and thick, how about politics. I mean you must have some reason why you would wear a shirt that disgraces the the person who wears it.
I fought Proudly for my country, just like my father his brothers there father and so on. You are disgracing yourself with a shirt that holds our (Americans) flag next to a swaztica and a man so evil he tryed to elimante the Jewish race, including a family friend. His name is Mel Mermelstein. He survived Aushwitz, his father, mother, and sister, did not.
Mel Mermelstein wrote and published a book (By Bread Alone) of his life and deaths of his family.
And this is what the Hitler stood for, and you shirt has Our (Real Americans) flag next to it for comparison?
-rep to you, and I hope all that stand for America do the same on every post of yours.
imma duppy conquerer,,i trap them in my genie lamp,and abra kadabra zebra they go to heaven to live happily ever after
im sorry but no one can be compared to hitler. and yeah i dont think bush was a good president. but look what he was handed right after becomming pres. hes handed on two occasions massive damage to the usa which was supposedly dealt out by one man. so as a new president he had a lot to stand up to ill give him that. remember this. without knowing all the information what could have been done different? nothin really? yeah high gas prices and economic failure. was that him? or a series of events that unfolded in less than a year of presidency? i would never vote for him with him being a republican and helping the big businesses and corporations. yes he should have done something for consumers and have a bailout plant for us along with all the corps he did it for, but at least he isnt cooking them in a creamatoria.
No, instead he spreads "democracy" (cough) in countries like Afghanistan and Iraq and encourages genocide carried out by his Zionist/Israeli owners. And I know that real Jews take no offense in this admittance, because we're on the same page:


Bush and Hitler served the same cause in more than one way, as did his good ol' grandpa:

In fact they used the same tricks:


And who trained the alleged Osama bin Laden (aka Tim Osman, as the CIA called him)?

What you have to understand is that without the Holocaust, Zion could have never been established.

Ah, the truth is stranger than fiction.

... and I still don't see what this has to do with the topic at hand.
ghosts are fake as well as a lot of the bullshit that was just posted. conspiracies as well as "supernatural phenomena" are just marketing ploys for people looking to make a buck off bullshit.

everyone who criticizes shit gets told to "open their minds" but in this world there is so much corruptness, gullibility and lying going on that the best thing to do is to open your minds to facts and tune out the misinformation.
well you cant say all that about jews. all the wars between muslims and jews go back centuries over land. read what happened in 1947 with Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah (him and his son and his grandson were all terrorists). and read up on jewish migration in 1949 the U.N. tried to give muslims their own state. so Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah said no. then war was started on his behalf under his leadership. this is when yassir arrafat made his debut entrance by this time. he admitted to yassir arrafat years later that he went to war cuz he wanted all the land and not a peice of it.
if you're referring to my suggestion of opening your mind to facts, then yes i did. but what i meant by "when people criticize shit..." i meant shit like the shit you just posted. unproven shit. fake shit. bullshit.

if you're gonna invest time in something like i'm sure you have with your government hatred (don't get me wrong, our government is fucked, but not in the way you portray it), then it is more appropriate to invest that time in things that are proven instead of going online and believing everything you read.
Yup. I saw the ghost of a deer running alongside the road once. That was freaky. The other people in the car with me didn't see it, even though it was pretty obvious to me.

One time my great-grandmother (who had been dead for probably ten years) left us a message on our answering machine. A few years later I used the same phone to accidentally call into the past. Maybe not exactly, but there was a really old sounding recording of a female operator with a Jersey accent who said something along the lines of "the number you dialed is not in service" but she said it using terminology and phrases that you just wouldn't expect today...

The scariest experience was when some(one?)(thing?) sat on the edge of my bed for HOURS one night. I never actually saw it (with my eyes) but I'm certain it wasn't a living person and it was very hard to ignore.

I'm sure there are some here who won't believe any of this. Meh.
heathaa, if you want to talk about history then we can go way back to the Crusades. It sure wasn't Jews vs Muslims. The difference is that the Crusaders came to the "Holy Land" and butchered every non-Christian. The Holy Land, according to the crusaders, was cleansed by the shedding of blood. When Salahuddin re-captured Jerusalem, he cleansed the streets and temples (of all faiths) with rose water. Funny how Bush used the word "Crusade" when talking about the war on "terror".

Bottom line, Zionists are NOT Jews.

drummerforpeace, quite simply the truth is never published; at least not by the large media corps. You're not going to find the truth on CNN, etc. The truth is always ridiculed and pushed aside as "conspiracy theories".

I really don't want to go off track on this thread any longer (I wasn't the one who started this), so I'll leave you with two quotes:

"Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth." -Mahatma Gandhi

"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied." -Claud Cockburn

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one night when i got home after work 11pm, everybody was sleeping. my brother always party's on weekends and always comes at night around 1-2am. i was laying down watching cartoons and all of a sudden i heard my sliding window slamm(i thought it was my brother)i was wrong...
i have a door leading to the living room and it opened, NOBODY, then I froze and someTHING weird was in front of my big screen tv, snake arm the other diformed and nasty- a cow leg or something and couldnt explain the other leg. ugly old face and big tits.... this is no joke you dont have to believe me, but it DID HAPPEN.. it was starring at me and i yelled for my mom and dad but my voice i couldnt hear.. my arms were froze but got one loose and threw the tv remote against a flower pot to make noize so my parents can hear.. NOTHING.. THE REMOTE WAS BACK ON MY CHEST AND THREW IT AGAIN AND BACK ON MY CHEST AGAIN.. i still could see the cartoons behind whatever i saw.. it disappeared and appeared in front of me, THEN IT WAS GONE.... i felt like i was out of breath and scared as shit. DIDNT SLEEP THE WHOLE NIGHT AND BOTHERED ME FOR DAY's.. the weird part is that the cartoons in the background were running while i was froze with the WEIRD THING and when it left they were running like it never AFFECTED IT. (you know what i mean,, like when you miss a part cuz you knocked out) but is saw it like i didnt miss anything ,,,its hard to explain but that shit was weird..:shock::shock::shock: