Well-Known Member
I'll be very gentle..maybe.Oh NO!! A THUMPER!! They do scare me.
I'll be very gentle..maybe.Oh NO!! A THUMPER!! They do scare me.
That's a loaded question and I'm getting ready to go ice be continued.yes i understand now and what you mean by called out for him in what sence as in "hey god give me a sign" or wat
Sunny, I wasn't offended at all by what he was saying and I don't like arguing with anyone.......for the record, I'm not arguing, just discussing. I'm not offended easily.I think the dude was making sense. I wish he would of kept talking. It is always good to look at ALL aspects, not just one.![](), you better watch it...babs is going to come back here and beat you over the head with her bible.![]()
No shit. Where's the option for 'Not enough data collected to make a determination' or 'Undecided'?There should be an option for "I'll believe it when I see it but I don't disbelieve"
fuck yeah bro. that pretty much articulates what I think.What I'm saying is that the foibles of our G*D are truly a reflection of ourselves. This is similar to the alien abduction "conspiracy".
Example: Aliens come to earth and do dissections on cows. Now this is bantered about all the time amongst ppl and for the most part accepted as true. However, from a biological standpoint it makes no sense. A race certainly as advanced as VAST space travel (we ar in the galaxy outskirts) would most CERTAINLY be beyond dissection as a knowledge gathering tool. No, this is something WE would do if we could travel to their planet. Hence, UFO Cow dissection is truly a reflection from us and NOT real.
Example: We worship a G*D who NEEDS our worship and will suffer NO OTHER G*DS before Him/Her/It. This smacks of the very same reflection. One would think that a true G*D would not require worship or fealty. This is something MAN demands of others.![]()
No shit. Where's the option for 'Not enough data collected to make a determination' or 'Undecided'?
You don't.How do equate a belief in ghosts with G*D?
And dammit, you lost me on the cow thing....but I'm tired. Maybe if I go roll one up, I can elaborate more deeply with my response, LOL.You don't.
A friend and I were parked on a road in the country in SW La and smoking the car out,it was a audio company show car i forget the name but a farmer pulled up and we rolled the windows down and smoke spilled out.He explained that he had had some mutilations take place.I told him man we dont mutilate cows .he laughed and said something to the fact that we could smoke out on the property anytime but shoot cow mutilators.Wierd fuckin night.This car would disrupt you're heartbeat when you cranked up pink floyd.Lights would dim and shit!Are we talking about cow mutilation now? LOL...
God? Never met him so I can't say personally. Based on the actions of his adherents through the ages he must be one crazy and cruel bastard.hey Johnnyorganic they way i was thinking when i started the thread was you either beleive or you cant just say ah i might believe if theres more data cause if theres more data then i wouldnt need to ask if yous believed in them...... whats your thoughts on god....
keep the comments coming
what do you mean by "wordly" .. as in just hearsay or what man.....If you believe in a "wordly" G*D (hands ON) and you don't think He/She/It is are not paying attention. Uhhh, just look around....