No problem, Not only is the first one long but just when you think its over he starts taking questions and it gets even better, lolthe first one is very lengthy and might put me to sleep, the second one is not bad. thanks, I really appreciate it.
No, we live on a spherical EarthWe live on a flat earth
Then how would you still hit the ice wall of Antarctica if you head north from Canada?If you head south from any point on the earth you come to Antarctica.
Gravity keeps water (and everything else) on Earth even though the Earth rotates at something like 1,000mph. Spinning a basketball on your finger isn't the same since it doesn't have the same mass, its gravitational pull is virtually immeasurable on EarthIf the earth is more than 70% ocean then how can we be living on a spinning globe?
Gravity is scientifically verifiable. If it wasn't, projects like the International Space Station would be impossibleGravity is a bullshit word you been indoctrinated with.
This is NASA Commander David Scott on Apollo 15 testing your theory;Higher density objects fall faster than lower density objects of equal size.
What's stopping someone from going to the Antarctic wall and taking picture/video evidence of the edge of the flat Earth?NASA is a scam there is no "outer space" or moon landing. What a freakin joke ! You been duped. They can't produce a image of the earth from outer space that isn't C.G.I. Let's go back. During the 1950's under Admiral Byrd much exploration was done in Antarctica such as operation high jump. They climbed the ice wall that holds in the oceans and began their work. What did they find? Why did they insist on a international Antarctic treaty shortly there after? I might add Byrd died mysteriously in his sleep in 1957. Antarctica is basically off limits to this day. In 1962 in the South Pacific during operation Fish Bowl those bastards (US Military/NASA) tried many times but failed to blast a hole in the dome with nuclear warheads including a "Thor" missile. Wernher Von Braun was the greatest rocket scientist to ever live. He built the Saturn 5 and the V-2 for the Nazi's and certainly would have been part of the ahem........"high altitude nuclear testing" team. He requested Psalms 19:1 be placed on his tombstone. "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handy work".
I don't do flat earth but have always wondered as far as this conspiracy goes, why would it be important for them to mislead us about the earths shape?Water does not curve. The navy uses infrared beams to track targets over the open ocean from several hundred miles away. A light beam does not curve. NASA is a fraud. Hmmmm they haven't been to the moon since 1972. They can't produce a photo of the earth from outer space that isn't fake. Don't be so gullible McFly...NO SUCH THING OF GRAVITY !!! We have only density displacement.
Rather, it's just that you tell yourself that it's fake every time you see one. Here's one of many taken by the Apollo missions, Apollo 8They can't produce a photo of the earth from outer space that isn't fake.
no offence, but when was the last time you saw STS footage? just curiousThat photo is fake. Notice how you never see stars in the photos? It's because star mappers would call them out on their B.S. Architects don't account for earth curvature neither do engineers who build roads and bridges. Ships on the open ocean use plane trigonometry to navigate NOT SPHERICAL TRIG. You ever seen a leveler that a carpenter uses? Well it has water in it because water always finds it's level. Now you will tell me you don't believe in trigonometry.
They want you to think your life is meaningless. That you are a accident and to keep you away from God. Why is it that everyone goes to Church on Sunday when the sabbath is saturday.I don't do flat earth but have always wondered as far as this conspiracy goes, why would it be important for them to mislead us about the earths shape?
I don't agree because what makes water level? Gravity. You have an equal force of gravity across the entire ocean sucking it to the earth like a blanket.Visit a port city with a telescope. You will not see the top of ships slowly appearing over the horizon. Supposedly the earth curves 8 inches squared every mile. The surface of the ocean does not curve. Water always finds it's level.
Those bastards, my new thing is to ask what you mean by God.They want you to think your life is meaningless. That you are a accident and to keep you away from God. Why is it that everyone goes to Church on Sunday when the sabbath is saturday.