Do you consider yourself "addicted"?


Well-Known Member
I do not consider addiction a bad thing. Rather something of choice. Are you addicted to weed? Or anything else for that matter? When was the longest break you had?

Im 20. I've been smoking since 17. On average, I smoke about 1-2 grams a day. I haven't smoked in 8 days (drug test), but its making me realize how much I miss it. I consider myself a smoker, and its something I enjoy. Is there anything wrong with this mentality?

This is the longest break I've taken in a couple years.

Please put your "addiction" and how you feel about the word...


stays relevant.
I'm not going to post my age on the forum... but we'll say "mid twenties"

I've been using cannabis since I was 11 or 12. Have been growing it almost that long too... Never been ashamed to say I enjoy being high more than I enjoy being sober!

The word "addicted" is only a bad thing when it prevents you from reaching your goals... If cocaine is able to make you work twice as hard, while not impeding your ability to function or maintain your life- it's your choice!

It's all about how you handle yourself :)

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Addicted to smoking weed? Nope...

Addicted to growing weed? Probably yes...

Addicted to this site and all the info. & entertainment it provides? DEFINITELY :D


Well-Known Member
i ve been blazin off and on the past 4 years but only until fall of last year i started blazin all day everyday. i wake and bake everyday and smoke bout a gram a day. its sucks i just get high not stoned anymore. but i do love being high better than being sober. and i waste way to much money when i should be patient and wait for my own to finish. addicted naw just bored


Well-Known Member
i've been toking for about 8 yrs .. about 4-5 of which are pretty much daily.
anywhere between .2 gram to 1 gram... if i had a big stash it would probably be more.
addicted ... hmm yea somewhat .. i went to florida last year for a whole week .. no weed ! i wasnt going through withdrawl or anything ... but i did want to smoke !


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to post my age on the forum... but we'll say "mid twenties"

I've been using cannabis since I was 11 or 12. Have been growing it almost that long too... Never been ashamed to say I enjoy being high more than I enjoy being sober!

The word "addicted" is only a bad thing when it prevents you from reaching your goals... If cocaine is able to make you work twice as hard, while not impeding your ability to function or maintain your life- it's your choice!

It's all about how you handle yourself :)
I appreciate the honest answer, and understand where your coming from. I too prefer to be high as opposed to sober. I like the analogy you provided as well.

I'm guess im just tired of people judging others because of their choices. Addiction is a choice. You decide how it affects your life.

Any other mentalities of the word addiction, and how it affects you?
I would like to read how people precieve this word, and how it has affected you.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate all the honest answers guys.. They ALL make sense to me, and make me realize how my views differ from others.


Well-Known Member
Chronic 37+ years. I've gone without when I had to, otherwise, I toke every fecking day. Hmmmmm, that's a lot of weed smoked, and I guess you could call that addicted.


Well-Known Member
Smokin' weed 40+ years, done all the real drugs, drank heavily for 25 years . . . the only substance, besides tobacco, I've ever been addicted to is methadone, which is kinda ironic.
The problem w/methadone is that after the initial "feelin' pretty good" year or two passes, you either need to quit ('cuz you won't feel high anymore) or more often, take a daily dose simply so you don't feel so shitty, as you will without it when addicted. Can't even tie my shoes when I'm emmadone sick. Eight years.
It's free to me and MaMa, if you don't count the cost of all and any pleasure. Growing is still fun, though.


Well-Known Member
I smoke every day if I can.
When money's tight, gas, bills, and food come first... When I got a little extra to burn... I do just that, literally, I burn it.. :joint:

I've been smoking for about 2 years now. Some days I don't smoke at all, others I smoke until I pass out.

It's not an addiction for me, just an outlet to escape the world for a few hours a day after I get off of work. 90% of the time I smoke up by myself and listen to music or compose music.


stays relevant.
The problem with addiction is that it's always harder to handle from an outside perspective... Usually it's your friends and family that do the suffering when an addiction goes bad, and very rarely do the addicts WANT to kick the habit, reform, or moderate the habit... but 100% of manageable addictions are fine in my opinion...


Well-Known Member
All my family and friends abandoned me after I moved 2700 miles away from them and didn't keep in touch. Selfish bastards! Now they're all fat and bald, but they've got God, and get to live in metropolitan D.C. and, most of all, aren't pill heads and can still enjoy waking up, even to their relatively mundane existence.
Me, I've got it made, but appreciate nothing and enjoy even less. Gotta get that straight before I go.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say I'm addicted. I smoke when I can. I wouldn't want to smoke everyday like some people do. If I don't have any, I just leave it at that and when I get some money I might get a gram or two. I'd love to grow though...


Active Member
im 20 and ive been smoking since 15....started smoking heavy (more than 1 blunt a day) about two years ago.....i have gone 6 months without smoking and i never go crazy or anything like dat, smoking is just a hobby that i like ...And i perfer to be high than sober........ boy i remeber the days when i took my first hit and ive been in love with her since


Active Member
I wouldn't say that I am addicted myself, I mean I can go without it. Sometimes I do get a little restless when I can't get any dope, but it's all good because when I get some :weed: again it makes me happy.


Well-Known Member
I'm not addicted, though if I had the money I wouldn't be buying pounds of dank, I'd be buying pounds of glass, there's just so many styles out there!


Well-Known Member
I don't have an addictive personality.
I don't smoke enough weed during the week to even call it a habit.
I'm a very active person, I'm always doing something.
I sleep only about 5 hours/day

I'm probably addicted to keeping busy. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I don't even know...what IS addiction..I mean we know what physical addiction is we can see it clearly, but when are you addicted to weed? gambling? exercise? religion? work? To me everyone has something that gets them through the day, and because one person runs 2 hours a day and another one smokes a 2 joints doesn't make a difference...also there's different levels of addiction and it has a lot to do with personality, genetics, and a person's history.


New Member
im addicted to kush i smoke 2-3 grams a day been doin it since i was 11 and it hasnt held me back yet..... im a functioning marijuana addict..there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.