Well-Known Member
nobody...NOBODY...just figured out the Kreb's cycle. There is a good reason for teachers and education. Maybe not for everything well, yes for everything. It's an arrogance to think that you are the best there ever was. Or to think that you can't learn something from a person who dedicated his life to the subject.
I agree there. Being that Sir Hans Adolf Krebs and Fritz Lipmann won a Nobel Peace Prize in Physiology for discovering the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle) it was absolutely discovered in laboratory utilizing specialized knowledge, I cannot refute your ironclad logic.
Learning from someone who has dedicated their life to a subject from experience in my opinion would be akin to learning directly from one who may have authored a college textbook on the same subject. For example, I have worked with Dr. Merle Jensen form University of Arizona to learn specialized techniques you are not likely to find in a marijuana cultivation book. However, I did not take any of his college courses. He teaches me exactly what he deems is important which is a whole hell of a lot. I consider him to be one of the premier consultants in the agriculture industry. I also have his university work and what I call "Codex Jensen" which is the sum of over 37 years of work in the industry which is essentially a Cliffs notes with its own detailed footnotes and back research pretty much from the source. Considering that I feel he is a priceless wealth of specialized knowledge, I again have to agree with you that there is always someone else to learn from.
My point here is to share that information. If I were to teach you what Dr. Jensen has taught me and it were exactly 100% verbatim, would it be worth any less than if you were to pay $3,000 for that same information? No, you would appreciate it more because YOU paid for it and thus have a debt obligation. The knowledge is priceless but there are better ways to get it than to become indebted for it.
Gaining new knowledge is not possible. For us to gain new knowledge we would have to learn something new. However, all knowable things are already known. When we find that we don't "know" something, it is because we have simply forgotten it; we just have to be reminded to "know" something.
Ah, "Nothing new under the Sun." All knowledge is known and yet forgotten or lost through calamity doomed to be relearned and lost again. As Above, So Below.
I do love philosophy and intellectual discourse. Even if not true reality or logical it is still important to expand our mind's capabilities lest we become stagnant. As Socrates so eloquently put it, "the Unexamined life is not worth living for a human being." To go through life without questioning it would be dull.