when i was younger i took internet fights very seriously. i would dial that shit up and go on the aol rant and rave board and electronically shake my fist at everyone. i can actually remember getting out of school and angrily waiting for that modem to scream for 3 minutes before i heard "welcome. you've got mail." so i could resume an argument that i stayed up until 3 a.m. to participate in the first time around.
i don't know if i outgrew it or if it just got old, but i can't be bothered anymore. i just skip threads that make me angry, or i'll chime in and then never return, leaving people arguing with dead air. once in a great while i'll get that surge o' adrenaline and bang out an angry response, but for the most part it's too much work keeping up an online beef.
sometimes it can't be helped. we all have our days. it's not very productive, though.