Do you ever get angry?


Well-Known Member
Do you guys ever get upset, like in RL raging on the computer from what someone on the internet has said?

I use to get upset myself, but now I just dont care, maybe cause im getting old i dont know.


Active Member
Do you guys ever get upset, like in RL raging on the computer from what someone on the internet has said?

I use to get upset myself, but now I just dont care, maybe cause im getting old i dont know.
I did once back in the 90's, but i didn't really care for it.

There just is no reason to get upset. i have however lost a lot of respect for the world around me after continued exposure to the internet.


Well-Known Member
+1 There just is no reason to get upset. i have however lost a lot of respect for the world around me after continued exposure to the internet.
lol, yeah.

I also agree with the RL guy, too many RL probs to worry about.
I used to yes but after awhile I stopped caring. People get hyped up a lot on the net. I spend time on the net but not as much as I was younger. It seems like the net has even bigger problems now. Too much hatred is out there, now there's cyber bullying.. it's crazy! Anytime I see a harsh remark I laugh it off cause it's a waste to argue with them.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've often discussed some online persons actions or comments to a friend in real life, but at the end of it i just find myself laughing because the internet person is alost always making said actions or statements based on blind ignorance, or the actions or words used just indicate that they probably have many many issues of their own. Makes me good about myself when people get shirty with me online because they're always wrong and just rather painting a picture of how silly they really are :lol:


Well-Known Member
i get a little erked... but never mad. because, if i could get a hold of that person. i would be in jail.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes when it sounds like the other person is raging on the other side, I get my troll on. :p I cant help it.


Well-Known Member
ill get annoyed if someones tryin to give advice to another that is just flat out dumb but besides that not really. im not gonna get mad off some person i wont ever see or meet


Well-Known Member
Do you guys ever get upset, like in RL raging on the computer from what someone on the internet has said?

I use to get upset myself, but now I just dont care, maybe cause im getting old i dont know.
getting upset because a troll has focused their attention on you is pretty silly .. remember all trolls are pitiful ignorant creatures that lack self esteem

being upset because your e-buddy has just died is ok, it shows you have e-feelings :)
set your facebook status to grief-stricken

peace :)

Total Head

Well-Known Member
when i was younger i took internet fights very seriously. i would dial that shit up and go on the aol rant and rave board and electronically shake my fist at everyone. i can actually remember getting out of school and angrily waiting for that modem to scream for 3 minutes before i heard "welcome. you've got mail." so i could resume an argument that i stayed up until 3 a.m. to participate in the first time around.

i don't know if i outgrew it or if it just got old, but i can't be bothered anymore. i just skip threads that make me angry, or i'll chime in and then never return, leaving people arguing with dead air. once in a great while i'll get that surge o' adrenaline and bang out an angry response, but for the most part it's too much work keeping up an online beef.

sometimes it can't be helped. we all have our days. it's not very productive, though.


Well-Known Member
ill get annoyed if someones tryin to give advice to another that is just flat out dumb but besides that not really. im not gonna get mad off some person i wont ever see or meet
blaz ive seen you in a couple forums, u get mad angry man. I think if anyone needs a fat doobie...


Well-Known Member
I used to when I was younger, but being angry is bad for you...physically and mentally, and it makes me feel crappy. I've learned to not let things bother me as much, and not getting pissed about stupid shit makes me less stressed and happier. Hehe at worst I just get annoyed, and then I blow that off


Active Member
I used to be a white middle class suburban punk mad all the time pissed at all things big and small. Then life beat me down for 25 years and I am as peaceful as a Hindu cow

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I have been known to get frustrated with people online...

I can't really blame them all tho as I'm usually the one shit stirring...