Do you feel different?Special?like you have a calling?


Well-Known Member
if anyone feels like they're going to be a part of something significant...
if anyone feels like nobody understands them, that they have a higher thinking process then anyone...
if anyone feels they can sense when people are lieing...

you might be an Indigo/Crystal Child. children born on earth starting from the 1950's, with a higher consciousness. also known as the next evolution for mankind.

use google if you want to find out more.


Well-Known Member
This is something interesting ... I've never heard of it before. Here's an excerpt from a website I found.

The older children (approximately age 7 through 25), called "indigo Children", share some characteristics with the Crystal Children. Both generations are highly sensitive and psychic, and have important life purposes. The main difference is their temperament. Indigos have a warrior spirit, because their collective purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to quash government, educational, and legal systems that lack integrity. To accomplish this end, they need tempers and fiery determination."

That describes me perfectly. I've always felt like I was a warrior ... fiery, too. I'ma gonna read up on this. Thanks!

if anyone feels like they're going to be a part of something significant...
if anyone feels like nobody understands them, that they have a higher thinking process then anyone...
if anyone feels they can sense when people are lieing...

you might be an Indigo/Crystal Child. children born on earth starting from the 1950's, with a higher consciousness. also known as the next evolution for mankind.

use google if you want to find out more.


Well-Known Member
yeah my folks read about it awhile ago, and the first thing that came to their mind was me. when i read about it, it felt like i was reading a biography of myself. freaked me out to be honest...

now i don't know what to think about it. i want to be realistic but.... this relates to me completely in every aspect, i can't just say it's not real and leave it at that.

i have a cousin who we think is an Indigo child as well. seems like me and her bond really well together, when everyone else doesn't bond well with her. her mind is something else... young girl but brilliant. they say Indigo children connect extremely well with each other.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
If I had my way, I'd have my remains launched into orbit. Have 'em circle the Earth for a few years before falling back into the atmosphere in a ball of flaming glory ...
Thats exactly what I want! However, its really expensive. I have this horrible fear of rotting...I think, what if for every bad thing youve ever done, no matter how small, what if that adds to the time your soul is trapped in your body? So you have to lie inside and feel the mold grow on ya and the worms chewing and smell how awful you are....ick....better to be in the deep freeze vacuum of space or cremated into dust quickly.


Well-Known Member
If expense weren't a concern ... being launched would be my preference. However, being cremated is my second choice. Then, I'd want my ashes spread in my favorite outdoor place/used in the cultivation of marijuana. Best I could hope for, really.

Thats exactly what I want! However, its really expensive. I have this horrible fear of rotting...I think, what if for every bad thing youve ever done, no matter how small, what if that adds to the time your soul is trapped in your body? So you have to lie inside and feel the mold grow on ya and the worms chewing and smell how awful you are....ick....better to be in the deep freeze vacuum of space or cremated into dust quickly.


New Member
The is the dawning of the age of aquarius
the age of aquarius
a qua - ri -oussssssssss
a-qau -ri-ousssssssss:mrgreen:

I'm a sixties child. :roll:
if anyone feels like they're going to be a part of something significant...
if anyone feels like nobody understands them, that they have a higher thinking process then anyone...
if anyone feels they can sense when people are lieing...

you might be an Indigo/Crystal Child. children born on earth starting from the 1950's, with a higher consciousness. also known as the next evolution for mankind.

use google if you want to find out more.


Active Member
Is that the "string theory"? As much as I'd like to put my stock in the big bang theory, I believe what you've said is more likely...

Anyway, as for my life's calling ... I feel that I'm destined to be a songwriter. I know that's so stupid and cliche, but I've written several songs and even released an indie single. Sold FIVE COPIES to people I didn't even know!

thats joy man post a link or a song up let us listen to those tunes.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I know exactly what you mean... I have been studying the universe lately myself, and it puts things into perspective. What are we when there is an infinite amount of space? We aren't even grains of sand compared to infinity :lol:

Life is pretty crazy.....

I don't know how other people feel, Everyone probably feels the same way as me, But do any of you people feel like you stand out from other people?Like there's something special about you, or like you are meant for more,

Most people around my age try to be like everyone else and fit in,listen to the same music, They are like robots with no personalities....I take pride in having my own style and being self assured, I don't really fit into any of the stereotypes, And never really found a place where i felt i belong, even though i have alot of friends,acquaintances would be a better word i suppose... they don't suit my personality, I Think alot, and when i started this thread it was actually meant to be about life and how we must all have a purpose, Out of all the galaxies in the universe, which is pretty much infinite....we were born on earth, as humans, the odds of us being born as rats/insects/chickens. whatever is alot higher.......I don't even know what i'm really trying to say...

I've been thinking alot recently about life and what its all about and its just such a massive fucking mystery.....We are nothing, we are as small as a grain of sand on a beach......But the world is so massive, there's so much energy, so much life, so much mystery.

What could create a universe so huge and infinite?There has to be something, The big bang theory is bullshit, Infinite amounts of space and elements cannot appear out of nowhere, There is something! And I have a feeling its not like we imagine......Our whole life, everything, is nothing.

I wish i knew what life was all about, i wish i could find out why we are all here, I believe in life after death, What form it will take, I don't know....But there's got to be something....We are not here for no reason.

anyway i'm about to toke up a bowl, if anyone is online id be glad to have a stoned ponder on this topic!


Active Member
I don't know how other people feel, Everyone probably feels the same way as me, But do any of you people feel like you stand out from other people?Like there's something special about you, or like you are meant for more,

Most people around my age try to be like everyone else and fit in,listen to the same music, They are like robots with no personalities....I take pride in having my own style and being self assured, I don't really fit into any of the stereotypes, And never really found a place where i felt i belong, even though i have alot of friends,acquaintances would be a better word i suppose... they don't suit my personality, I Think alot, and when i started this thread it was actually meant to be about life and how we must all have a purpose, Out of all the galaxies in the universe, which is pretty much infinite....we were born on earth, as humans, the odds of us being born as rats/insects/chickens. whatever is alot higher.......I don't even know what i'm really trying to say...

I've been thinking alot recently about life and what its all about and its just such a massive fucking mystery.....We are nothing, we are as small as a grain of sand on a beach......But the world is so massive, there's so much energy, so much life, so much mystery.

What could create a universe so huge and infinite?There has to be something, The big bang theory is bullshit, Infinite amounts of space and elements cannot appear out of nowhere, There is something! And I have a feeling its not like we imagine......Our whole life, everything, is nothing.

I wish i knew what life was all about, i wish i could find out why we are all here, I believe in life after death, What form it will take, I don't know....But there's got to be something....We are not here for no reason.

anyway i'm about to toke up a bowl, if anyone is online id be glad to have a stoned ponder on this topic!
Hey dude your half way there on the way it all happened n life as we know it now but i urge you to read a book called 'CELESTIAL PROPHECIES', i cant find it atm i've lent it out to someone so i cant tell you who wrote it yet but i read this book when i was about 16 just coming into my own with life n friends n shit and the way things work and it opened my mind to a whole new reality that i never even knew existed but we all live in it everyday :peace:

its pretty much breaks down the way we interact with each other and the universe, how it all happened, maybe answering some of those questions you thought now one ever knew :blsmoke:

now im not saying you have to believe everything that is written in this book because we all have different relations to we see and experience but it does help open one's eye's to bigger and smaller things, especially if you're already asking yourself why...................:joint:


Active Member
Dude, I know exactly what you mean... I have been studying the universe lately myself, and it puts things into perspective. What are we when there is an infinite amount of space? We aren't even grains of sand compared to infinity :lol:

Life is pretty crazy.....
hehe and what are we when there is belief of parallel dimensions and universe's that are just as infinite as our own just a lil bit different :eyesmoke:

Stephen hawking has a tripped out way of looking at black hole's, his theory states that they are portals between parallel universes because matter cannot simply disappear....... :idea: so universes that have no black holes are perfect because nothing needs to be removed or added to make the universe function better, they have everything the need and are completely perfect entities within them selves :weed:

maybe one day we will figure out how to move to these perfect universes and fuck em up :clap: because in the end of it all we are just energy using up other energy


Well-Known Member
Dude, you guys are starting to freak me out!! lmao, no but for real I have been watching all sorts of vids on youtube explaining about parallel universes, how there are apparently 11 deminsions, time traveling, theory of relativity, a little bit on sting theory(shits really complicated for me though), anti-gravity, over unity devices, quantum mechanics(also very bazaar), aliens(search "ufo disclosure" on youtube), black holes, and things of that nature...

hehe and what are we when there is belief of parallel dimensions and universe's that are just as infinite as our own just a lil bit different :eyesmoke:

Stephen hawking has a tripped out way of looking at black hole's, his theory states that they are portals between parallel universes because matter cannot simply disappear....... :idea: so universes that have no black holes are perfect because nothing needs to be removed or added to make the universe function better, they have everything the need and are completely perfect entities within them selves :weed:

maybe one day we will figure out how to move to these perfect universes and fuck em up :clap: because in the end of it all we are just energy using up other energy


Well-Known Member
Stephen Hawking is a great great man ... I've read his books, even though people say they're hopeless dull.

Carl Sagan has had a huge influence on my life too, even though I don't agree with everything he said. He was a huuuuge pothead, too. He wrote most of his Masterwork, the TV show 'Cosmos', while stoned. He contributed a large essay to the book "The Case for Marihuana" under the pseudonym "Mr. X" ... What a brilliant man, he died before his time ...


Well-Known Member
hey, ya i totaly think we have a reason to be on this earth! i was born and raised in a pintacost church. i still go to church and yeh, i still smoke pot but not when i go there of course. but there is a god and he has a plan for you and your life it may not always be what you want but he is guiding you through. i have started to stray away from church now that i'm 20 but i really miss church i went today for mothers day and enjoyed it and my friends who go there were glad to see me too.i am 'ME" today for the reason that you (poster) has brought up, i was just trying to fit in and be "cool" well the only way to be cool i found out is, just to be your self and let others choose to like you or dislike you. life is short so have fun and make the friends and memories while your young and can. i'd try just reading a youth bible and look up some of the problems in the context you are dealing with it may give you a peace at heart but, make sure it is the new living verison or you wont understand it. good luck in gods journey for you bud and just try and spread good chear everywhere you go.:peace:
Its strange, I just started listening to some of flyleaf's stuff(not the screamo stuff)While i was sitting in bed, just last night, and i got this really strange feeling, like i wasn't alone, then like a wave, a feeling of being at home and at ease, which i haven't felt in a long time....So i prayed and asked god to show me if it was him that made me feel like this, Later the next day i was tripping on shrooms and seen a statue of mary....Now i find out that flyleaf are a christian band and bless their songs so that people may find god through their work....

I'm going to start going to church and reading the bible, I've never felt at home anywhere before, But i'm starting to realise it doesn't matter, and right now i am COMPLETELY filled with this urge to spread love and happiness everywhere i go...
if anyone feels like they're going to be a part of something significant...
if anyone feels like nobody understands them, that they have a higher thinking process then anyone...
if anyone feels they can sense when people are lieing...

you might be an Indigo/Crystal Child. children born on earth starting from the 1950's, with a higher consciousness. also known as the next evolution for mankind.

use google if you want to find out more.
I'm gonna google that now, i feel alot like that myself.
Hey dude your half way there on the way it all happened n life as we know it now but i urge you to read a book called 'CELESTIAL PROPHECIES', i cant find it atm i've lent it out to someone so i cant tell you who wrote it yet but i read this book when i was about 16 just coming into my own with life n friends n shit and the way things work and it opened my mind to a whole new reality that i never even knew existed but we all live in it everyday :peace:

its pretty much breaks down the way we interact with each other and the universe, how it all happened, maybe answering some of those questions you thought now one ever knew :blsmoke:

now im not saying you have to believe everything that is written in this book because we all have different relations to we see and experience but it does help open one's eye's to bigger and smaller things, especially if you're already asking yourself why...................:joint:
I have no cash to pick it up, but i'll google it or try a torrent on it or something, Thanks.
hehe and what are we when there is belief of parallel dimensions and universe's that are just as infinite as our own just a lil bit different :eyesmoke:

Stephen hawking has a tripped out way of looking at black hole's, his theory states that they are portals between parallel universes because matter cannot simply disappear....... :idea: so universes that have no black holes are perfect because nothing needs to be removed or added to make the universe function better, they have everything the need and are completely perfect entities within them selves :weed:

maybe one day we will figure out how to move to these perfect universes and fuck em up :clap: because in the end of it all we are just energy using up other energy
I strongly believe that we do not just dissappear when we die, as there is so much energy and feeling and thoughts within a person, they cannot just simply dissappear......