Do you need dry verm on top part of jar

I did a grow last time where I added dry vermiculite on top of the mixed brf and wet vermiculite. The shrooms grew good.

This time I forgot to add dry vermiculite on top. But I mixed the brf, vermiculite, and water well. Do you think this will be a problem or will my jar still colonize?


Well-Known Member
You will most likely have a infection as the dry verm acts as a "filter"

If you did not inculate yet redo the jars correctly , If you did just keep them in a very sterile area like a glove box with closed arm holes , and hope for the best


Well-Known Member
Sorry to tell you , it's to late

just leave them allone , constantly checking them is one of the worst things you could do , every time you go near them you create wind that can carry bio-material into the jars and infect them



Well-Known Member
I did a grow last time where I added dry vermiculite on top of the mixed brf and wet vermiculite. The shrooms grew good.

This time I forgot to add dry vermiculite on top. But I mixed the brf, vermiculite, and water well. Do you think this will be a problem or will my jar still colonize?
give up on of and you won't have those problems, if the entire jar is colonized you likely won't get infected

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
can you put dry verm on of spawn? like on top of cracked corn/some very/some coffee grounds. would it act like a barrier as well or would it be pointless?


Well-Known Member
I think he meant are they colonizing with the mycelium from your spores, or from air born contaminates.


Well-Known Member
it better be, any other color than snow white or slightly blue tinged white is NOT mycelium that you want to perpetuate.
I might be chucking 2 jars into my neighbors yard soon lol.
One of the jars has a slight bit of yellow near the white mycelium.
Another jar the vermiculate is turning slightly dark brownish/black.
My jars are in a shoe box next to a heater. The temp inside the shoe box is 78 degrees. Can this be the reason why my jars turned yellow and black?


Well-Known Member
not at 78. You most likely are conaminated, and no, throwing them into your neighbor's yard is a bad idea. If they are infected with a bad mold, you might harm them. If they don't dry up fast enough they weill only continue to sporulate and those spores will waft into your home and make things worse for you the next time. Sheesh, dispose of biological waste in a reasonable and responsible manner - or you will give us all a bad name, to say nothing of the possiblity, no matter how slight that you will open your endeavors up to law enforcement.

if they are lightly contaminated - sterilize the whole mess. bury them deeply, send them down your disposal or seal the jar completely and put them in the trash.

If they are heavily contaminated, seal the jar, sterilize it and get rid of it jar and all.
Law enforcement can get down on their knees and suck it. I disposed of the waste correctly by flushing it down the drain. The highest temp in the shoe box was 84 degrees. Can this be why my jars contaminated?


Well-Known Member
84 is at the verge of acceptability, you really want to be on your game at that temperature.