Do you need to vent?


Well-Known Member
You only really "need" to vent if you have HEAT issues, you do however need a fan in there, you NEED a charcoal filter for the smell, and my first grow was w/ a 400 and if you have already purchased.. get more light. If you haven't get a bigger light. It's as simple as more light = more bud. I've been wanting to grow again, and after all that I learned i sold all my old stuff b/c it's not the quality I want. I got 3.5oz out of 2 plants. had a 400W HPS, and a 4ft T5

Sorry I got off track, and to answer another Q, NO, venting is also for fresh air, unless you have CO2, which it sounds you like u probably don't. They will grow w/o it, but they will GROW the way you want with fresh air. honestly w/o fresh air dont waste your time in the closet, build a box you can vent!!! it's all about the end product, and if you r only growing for you, the 400w will be enough for a small box, and once you get the hang of it you will be all about trying diff strains, and the box would be ideal for it.


Well-Known Member
cfl's. It's all about light, and you want to get them close, you will want so many cfl's it will look like an electric fire is about to start. i have cfl's for early seedlings, they even come in 300W maybe bigger, they are bright as sh*t (to the eye), as far as cfls and heat, only way to know is get a thermometer, you will have to anyways, leave a light bulb on in the closet and see how hot it gets. heat is a major stress source for plants. you don't want stress!

i think i read a Q about smell. oh yeah, your friends smoke sop not worried... HAHAHAHAAAAAHHAHA man, in a good way, BE WORRIED!!!! green plants growing smell what i would consider equivalent to 200lbs. but then again maybe worse. they have a quick how to on a home depot charcoal filter. thats what I did, worked UNREAL!! and was SOOO necessary!! So necessary that the smell started getting bad again, and by bad I mean open the door to water and smell it outside the front door GREEN GREEN STINKY GREEN. I replaced the charcoal filter and in 5 minutes, no smell. Build a box, vent the box, put it in your office with a lock on it. put the filter in the box (the filter is not the fan, or for venting) and GROW!!

I posted about fresh air, opening the closet door can be enough fresh air, keep that in mind. Open it cpl times a day, you will anyways because it becomes so much dam* fun it's almost obsessive.


Well-Known Member
If you have heat under control you really don't have to vent.. door opening will give enough, esp for 1st grow. once u get one under your belt you will want the perfect enviro for best results, and in that case you will get a CO2 tank w/ a regulator
thanks 1ht1der, i grew in my closet and it stunk, but anyways i work for a dome company, i build and set up those domes u drive golf balls in, their air supported. So long story short i was going to get 2 4 inch flexy pipe and hook up fans to them ,one for intake , one for out, and build a air tight box and hook them both up from my box too my window. Fresh air in and out 24/7. What about a 400 watt and a couple of 120s ? and i live in canada and i have cold winters, how cold is too cold ?