Do You Read?


Well-Known Member
I read every night before sleep... I go back and forth between regular fiction and sci-fi/fantasy. As I've gotten older I don't go for flashy stuff with lots of action, space battles, dragons, etc.. I find myself looking for well written books with well developed, complex, believable characters and plots. Authors like George R. R. Martin, Robin Hobb.

Occasionally I'll do some non-fiction - mostly science related or language/etymology. (You mentioned Bill Bryson - his language books are great... a lot more entertaining than you'd expect).

I've kept a pretty steady pace for many years, so I'm not sure how many hundreds of books I've read.
A fave of mine is Stanislaw Lem - Chaos, Solaris, His Master's Voice... damn near anything he writes is gold. Highly recommended.


Active Member
I love books more then i enjoy most people. with that said, i have a very large book collection. right now im reading books on: the kabbalah, string theory, quantum physics, hermetic magick, and yoga. my shelf is covered with books by; Jung, Nietzsche, Philip k dick, and Alister crowley. i do recommend 'Imajica', by clive barker. truly an awesome read. or 'exquisite corpse' by poppy z brite.


Well-Known Member
I love books more then i enjoy most people. with that said, i have a very large book collection. right now im reading books on: the kabbalah, string theory, quantum physics, hermetic magick, and yoga. my shelf is covered with books by; Jung, Nietzsche, Philip k dick, and Alister crowley. i do recommend 'Imajica', by clive barker. truly an awesome read. or 'exquisite corpse' by poppy z brite.

I've been getting a little interested in Nietzsche's work. I almost picked up the portable Nietzsche a few weeks ago. Tell me something about the guy that would push me over the edge and purchase the book!

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
I really enjoy CIA/military/spy novels for some reason...
I'm currently hooked on Clive Cussler's Books, specifically "The Oregon Files" Books. I'm also enjoying books by Brad Thor. I've gone through at least 6 books in the last 2 weeks...


Well-Known Member
A fave of mine is Stanislaw Lem - Chaos, Solaris, His Master's Voice... damn near anything he writes is gold. Highly recommended.
Looked for info on him... sounds interesting. I'll definitely try out some of his books. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I read every night before sleep... I go back and forth between regular fiction and sci-fi/fantasy. As I've gotten older I don't go for flashy stuff with lots of action, space battles, dragons, etc.. I find myself looking for well written books with well developed, complex, believable characters and plots. Authors like George R. R. Martin, Robin Hobb.

Occasionally I'll do some non-fiction - mostly science related or language/etymology. (You mentioned Bill Bryson - his language books are great... a lot more entertaining than you'd expect).

I've kept a pretty steady pace for many years, so I'm not sure how many hundreds of books I've read.
Cool signature Leothwyn. Old world music styling. I see that some measures have been indicated, of course they don't seem to make sense with the common time indicator. What is the piece from?


Well-Known Member
I see those on the bookshelves every time I walk into a Barns & Noble or Borders. I try to avoid the political commentary books. Even if it's from an author I agree with. The problem with those books in my opinion is that you only hear one side of the argument. The author takes one stance and pushes for it from his viewpoint. Especially these days.

I do read other stuff too. I just figured that would be most of what people see and have read. The Lucifer Principle, by Howard Bloom is an interesting read. More of a sociology book, but still good. I'm also reading The Secret History of the World. Very interesting concepts there.


Well-Known Member
Oh, a great read that I think everyone should check out is The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. A great old world read!


Well-Known Member
Cool signature Leothwyn. Old world music styling. I see that some measures have been indicated, of course they don't seem to make sense with the common time indicator. What is the piece from?
Thanks. It's a song from the 1600s (or earlier) called The Three Ravens... (It's about three ravens sitting in a tree wondering what to have for breakfast, wanting to eat the slain knight in a field near them, complaining that they can't because his hawks circle over his body and his hounds lie at his feet guarding him...)

I love early music (especially medieval and renaissance), so some of my non-fiction reading relates to that - music history and theory. (I do spend a fair amount of time sight-reading [mainly renaissance sheet music]... but, I guess that's a different kind of reading).

What's your sig.?