do you recycle?

do you recycle?

  • every chance i get

    Votes: 17 58.6%
  • only when i'm forced

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • i don't recycle but i feel a little bad about it

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • i don't recycle and i don't give a shit

    Votes: 5 17.2%

  • Total voters
I recycle everything. We don't even have to sort it. The recyclables go in one bin and get sorted at an automated facility. Kitchen and yard waste gets composted at home.
The most important thing we do is to compost wet waste. this reduces my non recyclables to maybe one or 2 shopping bags a week.
I recycle cardboard , metals and what I can . A lot of people here burn everything - tires , asphalt roofing shingles , plastics and styrofoam . To me its crazy to burn these items but many do this with no idea how harmful it is .
I recycle cardboard , metals and what I can . A lot of people here burn everything - tires , asphalt roofing shingles , plastics and styrofoam . To me its crazy to burn these items but many do this with no idea how harmful it is .

Turn them in, it's against the law and real bad for the air.
WHen you burn shit, all the toxins and shit just rains down in the for of ash and smoke (fine ash).
anyone who doesnt recycle is a fag

its so easy to just get a seperate fucking bag

i hate when people bitch and complain about recycling like its some big fucking chore

I recycle every chance i get, especially plastic bottles. theyre made out of oil you know...
I recycle metals for a meager living for the past year, and all of my paper products go into compost, and we have reusable cloth grocery bags, the bags we cant avoid getting sometimes are reused for smaller trashcans....... now if only someone could come up with a 'greener' way to strip insulation off of copper wire besides burning it, I wouldnt feel too bad about my "environmental footprint" ;)
Also I don't feel bad recycling because they dig through my trash daily even when I say no cause they don't speak English.Also at the dump they sort the trash and recycle it.