do you remember the 1st time ya smoked?


Well-Known Member
I was in 5th grade it was way after school and I waas with my gf at the time and her uncle....Out of a wooden pipe tasted like ass..I remeber I had to go home right after cause I was allready late and all the way home I was sticking bushes/grass/flowers into my mouth anything really cause I thought my dad was going too smell it on my breath so when I got home I held my breath all the way to my room...I dont even think it got me high was too scared of getting caught to notice anyway....Man that was a long time ago.....
hahaaah thats pretty good


Well-Known Member
the first time i smoked was at age 12, smoked a 5gram blunt with my 2 friends on the train tracks, when i was 12, after we smoked i threw up all over a deer carcas:spew: and then had to ride the train down the tracks to wendys
lol there was just a deer carcas hangin around where you were smokin?


Active Member
i was like ... idk .. either 13 or 14 and went to my cousins house, he'd roll a joint or two durring the day and we smoked em at night in his basement and played pool, then went and got a shitton of chips and went to his room, did that about 4 nights in a row, .. i dont think i even got buzzed, but he gave me some for the road and thats when i got high, didnt have to share with his ass no more. lol ..... oh yeah .. and what is a bread bag, ive got an idea but im prolly wrong


Well-Known Member
the first time I ever got high was the day AFTER 420 actually. kinda funny. awesome time, it was hilarious. I remember everything, even the very moment that I knew I was actually high. my friends thought I was faking it actually lol. I fell down laughing at something really stupid outside and was just laying on the ground looking up at the sky with a huge grin on my face. Then I went to go inside and when I thought my house was roaring at me. Turns out I opened the door at exactly the same time my friend was closing the garage door lol. those were the days....4 months ago XD


Well-Known Member
I was about 9 years old and smoked with some buddies in a shed. Could not take a hit and was coughing alot. it was mexican dirt but got me high as a kite. Was feeling good for several hours till some bigger kids were throwing coins at us lol.


Well-Known Member
the first time I ever got high was the day AFTER 420 actually. kinda funny. awesome time, it was hilarious. I remember everything, even the very moment that I knew I was actually high. my friends thought I was faking it actually lol. I fell down laughing at something really stupid outside and was just laying on the ground looking up at the sky with a huge grin on my face. Then I went to go inside and when I thought my house was roaring at me. Turns out I opened the door at exactly the same time my friend was closing the garage door lol. those were the days....4 months ago XD
wow only 4 months ago... well thats good lol less tolerance

I was about 9 years old and smoked with some buddies in a shed. Could not take a hit and was coughing alot. it was mexican dirt but got me high as a kite. Was feeling good for several hours till some bigger kids were throwing coins at us lol.

aw lol i think the first time i actually got high it took me a few times lol. i was at my friends apt and they were like the fuckin crackhead apartments. coke heads all around people always screamin and bottles breaking. it was pretty interesting to stay there at night. well her mom rolled up this fat ass spliff and we smoked it in the livingroom with all these candles and incense burning. it was pretty. i just remember my friend havin to do the dishes after that and i just sat there on the bar stool fuckin STOOONED lol i dont think i said a word for prolly an hour. i jsut sat there lol and i remember goin to the bathroom and my pupils were huge!
i was in the 4tj grade and i had grabbed my dads zags and a nug i didnt no how much anything was back then so i tryed rollin it up i didnt even break it up =) i didnt even no how to hit it and didnt get high . but its fine =)