Do You Sell?


Active Member
Okay guv, everything aside, i hope you read devildog's post and take something from it... i only busted your chops a bit coz, and i honestly dont mean offence, but bragging online about "operations" they way you did is just silly business... a wise man holds his toungue.

Youll learn as you get older.... good luck and stay outta jail.


Well-Known Member
OFC there is always goin be someone tougher than me. I just don't go wit out a fight. I'd rather square up like my unc than pull a gun on a nigga. I've been robbed gun point twice. Watched two of my closest niggas get killed right in front of me. My lifes hard. You're lifes hard. Atleast you ain't like the dude above who comes frontn. I got respect for you if what you said is true. You is a tru dope boy. I don't mean dope boy as in just weed either. Respect.
Just tryin ta relay some help.

Had 2 friends kill eachother, like a moment in an online game when you come around a corner and you both knife swipe eachother. Except they blasted eachother, and both died. That was fucked up.

I have sold everything from guns, to stolen goods, to weed, to coke....alot of coke, ketamine....lots of shit. Not proud of it. But I learned alot of shit from it.

I have since changed from that life to the "legal way", and now I make near or over $100,000 a year for the last 4- 5 years. I can take time off and sit on what's in my bank. And I just drive truck.

I don't wanna be a nag, just tryin ta let ya know some people don't wanna see ya go thru that if you can help it. Good luck in life.

PS....I scored some dank nugs tonight....:weed:bongsmilie

Docter Bud

Just tryin ta relay some help.

Had 2 friends kill eachother, like a moment in an online game when you come around a corner and you both knife swipe eachother. Except they blasted eachother, and both died. That was fucked up.

I have sold everything from guns, to stolen goods, to weed, to coke....alot of coke, ketamine....lots of shit. Not proud of it. But I learned alot of shit from it.

I have since changed from that life to the "legal way", and now I make near or over $100,000 a year for the last 4- 5 years. I can take time off and sit on what's in my bank. And I just drive truck.

I don't wanna be a nag, just tryin ta let ya know some people don't wanna see ya go thru that if you can help it. Good luck in life.

PS....I scored some dank nugs tonight....:weed:bongsmilie
where you stay at my nigga? liek the state. if we in the same state we shud kick it sometim, u kno get blowed. you is my "eNigga" hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Aside from the 19 year old white guy who speaks in ebonics and wears Bling ( It is nice though) I would say your doing good at your newfound occupation. Im sure the Felony you got is always hanging over your head and probably makes you unemployable except for real shitty jobs. Man gotta do what a man gotta do, dog eat dog world out there. If you can make seven bones a week that's pretty good for a 19 year old. Live Frugally, invest your cash in tangible items that hold their value, live beneath your means and you could possibly live a life without money problems. Flaunt that shit, get lazy, Brag or talk too much and it could be another stint in the House for you.

heir proctor

New Member
I was curious, do you guys sell weed?
Honestly, I do, here's how my shit goes.

Call up my dude, buy a quarter for $20 (Daily Sell)
I sell 2g for $15,$20, or $25 depending the person.
Money rolls in like no tomorrow, I split some with my dude, because I'm cool like that, and I still make about $500-$700 in 3 days. :D
If you really are making that kind of money why wouldn't you invest in some real weight? You sound like that scumbag that does nothing all day but sell skimped dirt weed. It's people like you that give responsible cannabis users a bad name. Spending money on a diamond cross necklace REALLY? Sounds like you need some more productivity in your life.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHAH Im fucking dying here..........he sells the feds everyb worry about a kid in 10th grade selling grams........oooooo so hows the Rolls Royce comeing along with a chaufer LOL...........god ya gota love you think the lunch money your mama gives you is a big roll to flash..........BAWHahahah GRAMS........special on Fridays 3 grams for 20 to repeat customers ROFLMAO

heir proctor

New Member
Seriously dude, i imagine you to be....
....about 100 - 110 pounds, most of that weight in your tounge, pretty skinny... with a bit of a baby face, your probably a cunt to your mother and i would hate to know what level of education you failed....

In actual fact i refer you to a post by another member and ask if that may be you.... its called "Scumbag Steve"... here is a glimpse;

Infact it was Loius that posted it.... ha ha ha im pissing my pants, your a fucking joke.... <<<---- IM SURE THIS IS YOU!!!!
LMFAO. + rep for this one brother.


Well-Known Member
where you stay at my nigga? liek the state. if we in the same state we shud kick it sometim, u kno get blowed. you is my "eNigga" hahahaha
LOL. I live and work in the oil patch way the fuck up in northern BC, Canada. Kinda far away, and I can't even get near the border without alarms going off and sniffer dogs getting rowdy, LOL. Won't be able to travel for at least another 7 years, and I'm 36 now. I'm banned for life from owning any kind of firearm even. Other things that suck about getting busted.

Live and learn I guess. Just hope you don't have to learn the way I did.

Docter Bud

Aside from the 19 year old white guy who speaks in ebonics and wears Bling ( It is nice though) I would say your doing good at your newfound occupation. Im sure the Felony you got is always hanging over your head and probably makes you unemployable except for real shitty jobs. Man gotta do what a man gotta do, dog eat dog world out there. If you can make seven bones a week that's pretty good for a 19 year old. Live Frugally, invest your cash in tangible items that hold their value, live beneath your means and you could possibly live a life without money problems. Flaunt that shit, get lazy, Brag or talk too much and it could be another stint in the House for you.
I get bout 7 dollas erry three days wit weed. Doin my other shit I get bout 120dollas. which is 12000 erry week. money rolln in right now. im livin good. you real as fuck, i can tell. respect.

Docter Bud

HAHAHAHAHAH Im fucking dying here..........he sells the feds everyb worry about a kid in 10th grade selling grams........oooooo so hows the Rolls Royce comeing along with a chaufer LOL...........god ya gota love you think the lunch money your mama gives you is a big roll to flash..........BAWHahahah GRAMS........special on Fridays 3 grams for 20 to repeat customers ROFLMAO
That's just weed douh.

Docter Bud

LOL. I live and work in the oil patch way the fuck up in northern BC, Canada. Kinda far away, and I can't even get near the border without alarms going off and sniffer dogs getting rowdy, LOL. Won't be able to travel for at least another 7 years, and I'm 36 now. I'm banned for life from owning any kind of firearm even. Other things that suck about getting busted.

Live and learn I guess. Just hope you don't have to learn the way I did.
damn nigga.... i was 4real bout to hop in the whip an drive if you was close douh hahahah

heir proctor

New Member
For real. Come on wit dat shit. You is tryna act hard on the internet. Even got me a little pissed off because you said somethin bout fleecn me. My boy got fleeced for 2 bricks and the nigga got away wit it. Shit not even funny. I don't even sell on the corner. A true dealer does runs. That's how you make money. So don't tell me to "don't big ball myself" because I bet you'd be feeln stupid where I grew up. Someone died erry week. Some weeks the block would be ghost on c low because the boys wud be patrolln the block.Times is tough, and if you say someone who sells ain't ballsy then you ain't real. You is just tryna be real but u is fake. If you come off wit the "eThug" shit people be tryna pull gone wit dat.... I aint got time for people like you. I got caught up wit bitches just like you when I was 15, and what did that get me? 6 Months state.

EDIT: I can tell you are strong though. Not physically but mentally. You get shit done. You can be a bitch if you want but dat shit ain't cool. All I know is I ain't bout to sit here and argue on the internet wit someone who just don't know....
I'm surprised you only have one year of college under your belt. Judging from this post I'd guess that you have a phd in literature.


Well-Known Member
damn nigga.... i was 4real bout to hop in the whip an drive if you was close douh hahahah

It's a 12 hour drive just for me to go to my other house in southern BC. I am in the middle of fuckin nowhere....but I get paid quite well, so it's worth the sacrifice.


Well-Known Member
Im starting to think OP is trollin. I hope op is just trollin.

if the children are the future------- then we're fucked

haha jk doc


Active Member
Im a 19 year old white boy...that doesnt have money rollin in.

Actually, its the exact opposite.

Its kids like you that I really want to hang out with...I can learn a lot about what NOT to do with my life....

Honestly, I doubt your making THAT much money.... Imho, dealers selling anything more than weed..are trash.

Selling a product that hooks your customer in, sinking their life...and you bank off of that. How do you sleep??

Your posts make me want to smack if you in the face with a dictionary...."dough"???????? If that makes your scrawny white ass look tough in the isnt working here.

Its FAGGOT FUCKERS like you that make MY generation look like a lost cause....My family does nothing but struggle constantly, and I at 19 bring in the groceries and cable bills.

Yet, here you are selling crack to feeble minded people, 'banking', and spending in it what? A CHAIN? lol......its diamond tho woooooooooooooooooohooooooo:clap:

Go ahead and put your vote in to join the next jersey shore lookalike show..

oh, you sound real tho, respect.............BAHAHHHAAHHA:finger::finger::finger:



New Member
I understand what you mean, but it's not like someone's going to actually trace our IP's and arrest us. I've been locked up for 2 years and I'm 19. Yes, the FEDS not county or city. THE FUCKING STATE AND I'M 19. Lmao
And they have your cell bunk and ol' man Big Dick Leroy waiting for you...they won't have to wait long with your attitude and total lack of intelligence.....go read some books and start dealing when you know something...stop being an idiot...or it that you're missin' Leroy?
