Do you simply add NPK to use different Nutes?


Well-Known Member
I Have done a lot of reading before asking dumb questions but I have been unable to find any clear answers on how to use the multiple Nutes available to get the most you can get out of your girls. For instance, I am 5 weeks into flowering a bagseed and imaging I have maybe another 5-7 weeks to go depending on strain. I have always just tossed seeds into pots randomly over the years but finally got one to show her flowers which sparked my interest enough to start learing more and I have definately found a lifelong hobby I am sure. I have been smoking for over 30 years and cannot believe I have just now gotten interested enough to start my own grow after harvesting the two bagseeds I happened to flower on a humble. My camera sucks and I am waiting to buy a decent one to start properly documenting my grow. Anyway back to original question, i have started feeding my girls Big Up powder from Humboldt which has a NPK of 0-39-25 and they seem to love it. My question is that I have also purchased some Happy Frog Fruit and flower which has a 5-8-4 , AM i able to use both of these and just add them together meaning i would be feeding a 5-47-29? and if this is the case is it ok to keep adding until I reach a certain PPM? I apologize for long post just to get to simple question


Well-Known Member
Do not mix them together. Just switch it up. happy from 1 time and the other the next. That humbot is some strong stuff.


Well-Known Member
Do not mix them together. Just switch it up. happy from 1 time and the other the next. That humbot is some strong stuff.
Why shouldn't nutrients be mixed? I haven't heard that before and I've been using canna a + b mixed with MG tomato or big bloom and a little mollasses with each watering. I use each at half strength, just to make sure if one has something the other doesn't that my plants get everything they need.


Well-Known Member
Why shouldn't nutrients be mixed? I haven't heard that before and I've been using canna a + b mixed with MG tomato or big bloom and a little mollasses with each watering. I use each at half strength, just to make sure if one has something the other doesn't that my plants get everything they need.

Cool after posing the question i realized also that I can always just stick with one product and see how it goes. Currently I am starting 10 White Widows in 5qt containers using MG organic and I also have 5 Big Bud in a soiless mix so I wanted to start with the nutes on the soiless mix after 2 weeks with a weak solution to start with. the MG I am just going to water until they flower. I plan to identify the females and start some clones in a DIY 5 gallon bucket DWC with 3 3# net pots cut into the lid. I am going with Maxi Grow and see how it does. As soon as I get a decent camera I am going to start a grow journal,

Thanks for the replies guys, I spend hours now just reading other posts and have learned so much. I am amazed also that there can be so many arguments started over CFL or HID as there are ATI and Nvidia for Computer geeks which I myself am. Good luck to your grows


Well-Known Member
Mixing nutrients is probably a good thing, however if you mix from different brands it is possible to run into problems because there might only be one type of phosphate available in the medium which would make it a bit harder for the plant to have access to it.

However NPK is a solution equation, you can add NPK up together to find out how much of the mix is macro nutrient possibly. However if you are attempting to COMBINE the values of N between two SOLUTIONs it would have to be higher than the lowest N value yet lower then the highest N value. Its the average density of N between two solutions.