Do you smoke cigarettes?

Do you smoke cigarettes?

  • Yeigh

    Votes: 48 49.5%
  • Neigh

    Votes: 49 50.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Don't touch cancer sticks, and barely drink. Weed is all I ever need. I especially do not like drinking since I usually end up getting depressed.
me too . . . . drinking makes me more extraverted which makes me depressed as I'm isolated and can't talk to anyone at any time.

no ciggs for me either, closest I'll go to a anything nicotine is a blunt ;).


Well-Known Member
good luck man, how was day 1 so far?
it wasnt bad. i kinda wanted one later in the day and my gf even gave me one. at first i said no. then i said yes. then i just held it in my fingers a while and smelled it. but then after a while i just put it back in her pack. im tired of making excuses for myself not quitting. im going to 100% try this time. and i notcied its almost been a year for you huh? congrats man! how did it go?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
it wasnt bad. i kinda wanted one later in the day and my gf even gave me one. at first i said no. then i said yes. then i just held it in my fingers a while and smelled it. but then after a while i just put it back in her pack. im tired of making excuses for myself not quitting. im going to 100% try this time. and i notcied its almost been a year for you huh? congrats man! how did it go?
Yeah I drink smoke gamble eat pussy and fuck doggy style everything in moderation they say lol


I've smoke a cig once and didn't care for it. I've always been under the impression nicotine gives you that buzz the first time you smoke, and then after that, your subsequent cigarettes keep your body in a cycle of dependency. The nicotine makes everything you eat/drink/smell/hear shitty, and then when you satisfy your nicotine craving, it makes your food/sound/aromas normal again (even though you think they are enhanced, because you're used to the shitty versions)


Well-Known Member
i have never smoked a cig, that shit is nasty.
...says the guy whose never tried one ;-)

I've smoke a cig once and didn't care for it. I've always been under the impression nicotine gives you that buzz the first time you smoke, and then after that, your subsequent cigarettes keep your body in a cycle of dependency. The nicotine makes everything you eat/drink/smell/hear shitty, and then when you satisfy your nicotine craving, it makes your food/sound/aromas normal again (even though you think they are enhanced, because you're used to the shitty versions)

im with you on that. i was talking to my gf a few nights ago and we were discussing how cigs are the most addicting thing out there and they dont even get you high. we were pretty blown and that idea seemed crazy to us at the time. sometimes i dont even want a cig and i just feel like i have to have one.
Just weed. I am a complete ass when I drink (it runs in the family.) And I quit smoking cigs about 2 years ago - (And still crave them every time I am around them)


New Member
Camel WIDES.... I quit for 20 years and went back to cig's. I'll probably quit sometime in the future...i don't worry about it.

I drink, but only at a social gathering, and never to the point of being drunk. I'd rather drink a single glass of very fine wine or scotch and smoke a bowl.

Quality, not quantity...that's the ticket for me.


Well-Known Member
I smoke cigs when i have to quit weed for 2 weeks for a drug test or something. just helps with the boredom.


Well-Known Member
Camel WIDES.... I quit for 20 years and went back to cig's. I'll probably quit sometime in the future...i don't worry about it.

I drink, but only at a social gathering, and never to the point of being drunk. I'd rather drink a single glass of very fine wine or scotch and smoke a bowl.

Quality, not quantity...that's the ticket for me.

ive smoked camel wides for a little while. damn those things make you feel like you got a stick in your mouth lol.

you ever smoke camels with no filter. damn those things are strong...


Well-Known Member
haha seems to have that affect.

it seemed with 27s i always got sick whenever i chainded smoked them. they made me quessy...


New Member
ive smoked camel wides for a little while. damn those things make you feel like you got a stick in your mouth lol.

you ever smoke camels with no filter. damn those things are strong...
Yes, the wides have spoiled me. My cousin flipped me a Marlboro a few weeks ago when i had forgotten my pack of camels.

I felt..... girlish. :lol: