Do you socialize with your plants?


Well-Known Member
Lol! My plants are called ronnie and roxy off eastenders if anyone knows what that it :) Because 1 is strong and 1 aint great


Well-Known Member
yeah i name my plants and check on them every five minutes and talk to them..there actually is a study that certain decibels help plants grow..


Active Member
I sometimes end up just sitting by my plants, looking at them, hanging with them if you will. I've also named most of mine, and on some occasions (mostly when I'm a bit punchy), talked to them. I figure after spending hours on end, preparing the ground, working them up from the seeds, they need a name to go with their personality....
hell yeah i socialize with my babies.. they love it. i can tell by how big they are gettin.. even my houseplnats love it too..i named all six of my babies too.. gotta know who im talkin keep it up they love it dude..;-)