Do you think it's done?pics

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
come on girls chill out ha ha ha am pissing my self laughing at use two bitchin ha ha ha so funny

i would say your not far away from ready if not ready the now ..............

BUT the proper way the check is with micro lol lol lol

bust a flow

Active Member
Damn you guys are fuckin retarded. Sometimes you need a personal opinion rather than the facts, dude knows that trichome color can indicate bud maturity, read the thread, he knows what color they are, he knows what they mean. i believe hands on experience beats facts any day. i think you should go ahead and wait a couple of weeks brotha. if by stong smoke you mean narcotic strong, wait. wait till there all cloudy/amber. and what i always keep in mind is that the cannabis life cycle doesnt end when you harvest. the buds continue to mature while your drying. so maybe you should harvest right now and by the time there ready to smoke, they will be right were u want them