Do you think running 4~600w is going to tip off the electric Co.?


Well-Known Member
So when your sick family member comes to stay with you and requires an oxygen concentrator and isn't comfortable unless it's 85 degrees inside, you should expect a visit from your local power company making sure your not using the power for something illegal?

My bill went from 120 to 440 in one month under these circumstances. C'mon, apply a little common sense here and you should be able to determine what you can get away with in your community. Sure if you live among 1200 sq ft houses that are all the same, subsidized by goverment funding for fixed incomes and one unit has a 700 bill while all the others have 100 bills an eyebrow might be raised.
But in my neighborhood, in my city, state, country. Policing is done by the police and power is delivered by the power company.

Look at the varying sizes of homes in your hood. You know some people HATE forced air heating and use electric baseboard only. A good sized house could run 6-800 in power to heat. Then your neighbor has either NG or uses LPG and gets a 150.00 bill.

One house has a pool and hot tub as well a refrigerated air, the one next to it has a swamp cooler and no pool or hot tub. Easy 3-400 difference in the bills between these neighbors.

In my area, you would have to be into commercial use before it raised an eyebrow.

Now, counties offering rewards for turning in growers is a whole different story. In that case the meter reader is acting in his own interest. This isn't an issue in my area


Well-Known Member
I've never had a problem. Only thing that always suprises me when I set up a new grow or move one is you get a letter showing your electric usage per month, and it shows the spike when your gear is up and running. It's pretty funny to see the graph shoot straight up LOL.

Just don't steal, keep your mouth shut, except here, and hopefully the weed Gods will keep you safe from an unwanted visit, legal or not.

Happy growing!


New Member
I've never had a problem. Only thing that always suprises me when I set up a new grow or move one is you get a letter showing your electric usage per month, and it shows the spike when your gear is up and running. It's pretty funny to see the graph shoot straight up LOL.

Just don't steal, keep your mouth shut, except here, and hopefully the weed Gods will keep you safe from an unwanted visit, legal or not.

Happy growing!
funny how many threads are started on this subject
power companies make their money from u using power and want u to use alot
just like nute companies want u to use recommended dosage which is too hot
so u will use it up and buy more

i have never heard of a business that stayed in business wanting their customers to not buy a excess of their product


Well-Known Member
I guess fear is stronger than common sense. I would never discourage someone from being careful and doing their due diligence though.

We could all be doing the exact same thing in the same state, yet the personal stakes would all be different.

Be careful, use your brain and don't do stupid shit like steal power or do anything that would give anyone the RIGHT to access your space without your consent.

Learn your legal rights, if you don't know them, you don't have them.


Well-Known Member
as long as your light bill isnt crazy like 2 3 k a month but as long as you pay your bill you should be gravy.. im runnin over 2000w but did have a prop plain fly over a little low a few days ago.. is that some thing i should be concerned about


New Member
as long as your light bill isnt crazy like 2 3 k a month but as long as you pay your bill you should be gravy.. im runnin over 2000w but did have a prop plain fly over a little low a few days ago.. is that some thing i should be concerned about
if in the usa it is against the law to flir with out a warrant for search and i doubt it was even looking for outdoor grows they usually dont look for those till around end of summer and end of growing season


I live in a legal state so that may effect what I say & you. OK Your PC's responsibilities end at your meter. If you don't pull more load then the line leading to your meter is desinged for they don't care. Depending on who you get your power from they might notify you of a sudden spike in usage, but only because it might indicate an unsafe condition. Have an excuse...wife bought an electric kiln or some BS. Pay your bill on time & don't steal. Steal from 'em & they still don't care if your growing but they will notify cops of the theft. Peace Jack


I'm in a legal state with legal grow 5 plants total and have a basic 400 wt HPS set up and a 300 wt led both in veg 18/6. I got a visit from PC stating my condo was sending out error readings. Could it be the newly installed smart meter having issues or I am using a lot more power than my neighbors. I'ts always unnerving to get an out of the blue visit. No ac or heat in home running just tv, computers regular stuff. Should I worry about the visit? I would't think 700+ kw would raise any eybrows. My bill is always paid on time.


Well-Known Member
Why do you need so much space if you plan on following the AK mmc law . You can only have 3 plants ....? and 3 vegging? or 6 total?