Do you think that weed is a dream suppresant


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if it is just me.

I notice that when I smoke I never dream.

But when I don't smoke and fall asleep, i dream

Was just wondering if I was the only one


Well-Known Member
I have the same thing happen to me. When you smoke, you still have the dreams, you simply don't remember them. If I smoke before I sleep, I forget all my dreams unless they are uber-vivid. Otherwise, I don't remember them in the morning.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I've been told that I talk in my sleep---waiting in line conversations and I rise up in bed and hold my hands like I'm gripping a steering wheel and talk about where I'm driving---shit like that :)


Well-Known Member
You always dream,regardless,you only remember dreams when you are sleeping lightly or lucidly or are awakened in the middle of one.
Most dreams only last a few seconds even if they seem like ages,this is called time perception distortion:leaf:


Active Member
I generally have extremely vivid dreams and remember most of them about as often as i dream without smokin. occasionally i wake myself during these dreams and my heart is racing!!


Well-Known Member
I never remember my dreams! But then again when did i not smoke before going to sleep? i should try it sometime haha