do you think this setup will work?


Well-Known Member
ive never grown indoors before so i decided i would give it a try heres what i plan on doing

use a empty speakerbox to put everything in
put my plant in about a 1 gallon bucket
hang a 100 watt light from the speakerbox
give it 18/6 light (or do you think 20/4 would be better)
once it starts flowering give it 12/12 light

so how does that sound? im just growing some mids so i dont really care how good the bud is

since my light isnt very good ive heard ways to improve the lighting please let me know which ones are good ideas and which ones are bad ideas.
1.putting foil on the walls of the box
2.putting a cd on the soil around the plant
3.paint the walls of the box white
are there any other good ways to help my plant get more light?

any other indoor growing tips would be very apreciated since im a newbie at growing indoors normally i just let nature do its thing.


Well-Known Member
try all 3 of the lighting methods it cant hurt......what kinda light is it and how big is your speaker halft to think of heating problems to. in a small area. a 100 hps can get quite hott and give you lil babies a lil sun burn......but other then that, every thing sounds ok for a avg. grow with nothing special....And what kind of soil do u plan on using


Well-Known Member
im probably just gonna use plain dirt im not trying to get anything special the box is about 3ft tall 2 ft wide and 2 ft deep its just a normal 100 watt light


Well-Known Member
alright i got everything set up now all i got to do is plant my seed but i have 1 more question if i keep my plant small do you think it will grow alright in a 1.5 liter pot? i plan on giving it 18/6 for about a week or 2 then going with 12/12 does this sound like it will work at all? (remember im a newbie at indoor growing)


Well-Known Member
When you say 100w do you mean 100 watt equivalent or is it an actual 100 watt cfl? I'm assuming you mean 100w equivalent which is a 23 watt cfl, if so this will not cut it, you are going to need to do better than that. Either go out and find a few more of these or better off go find the highest wattage cfl you can find I know they sell 40+ watt cfl's at most places.


Well-Known Member
My best advice would be .. "Look mom.. I have a confession to make. I smoke this shit but my grades are really good and I don't let it consume my life .. and I don't hang out with idiots and I don't lie cheat or steal.. so uhm yah.. I don't wanna risk my freedom or our reps by getting caught buying this shit so I would like to try my green thumb. "

then if you show some effort maybe you can get an HPS for your birthday.

That is if they are reasonable.. this approach may not work.. but if there is a possibility I would at least attempt it. Who knows?

lol if not then have fun with the speakerboxxx :p