Do you use Real Growers Recharge?

IME its better to mix a small amount of it by itself. Do your regular watering with coconut and whatever else you use, and then immediately after that use just enough of the recharge solution to get throughout the root zone doesn't take much when its already watered. works best like that and you use less of it. Id use the amount recharge recommends, using more wont hurt but will be a waste.
I use it every other watering which adds out to about once a week. I like it I think it works best in a organic type soil. I like it though.
I use "Mikrobs" instead. It's basically the same product, but cheaper on amazon. If you compare it's contents they are almost exactly the same with Mikrobs having slightly more of some beneficials and I think recharge having slightly different trichodermas. I usually use a tablespoon per 1.25 gallon every 3rd watering when I'm not using molasses and probably a 1/2 teaspoon if i am. In my mind, I'm basically using that amount for the additional molasses, fulvic and humic acids.
I decided to look and see if the state of Oregon tested this as part of it's microbe product testing program-I found it here

Under Reports and Guides, check the 2019 micro testing results pdf. It has virtually no Trichoderma, and it contains 1/18 the stated amount of Bacillus sp. I wanted to mention this awesome program from the State of Oregon once again so new folks know where to find the only accurate third party test results for rhizobacteria and myco/trichoderma products. It can be kind of hard to locate this information, they really need to revamp that website. Look up some of the other well known products while you're at it, it's sad to see fraud being perpetrated on such a scale, right out in the open.
I decided to look and see if the state of Oregon tested this as part of it's microbe product testing program-I found it here

Under Reports and Guides, check the 2019 micro testing results pdf. It has virtually no Trichoderma, and it contains 1/18 the stated amount of Bacillus sp. I wanted to mention this awesome program from the State of Oregon once again so new folks know where to find the only accurate third party test results for rhizobacteria and myco/trichoderma products. It can be kind of hard to locate this information, they really need to revamp that website. Look up some of the other well known products while you're at it, it's sad to see fraud being perpetrated on such a scale, right out in the open.
Well this has me tempted to go troll the dudegrows discord, kinda annoyed that I’ve bought it several times now, maybe someone should see about a class action suit I’d like the roughly $90 I’ve spent on it back lol
I decided to look and see if the state of Oregon tested this as part of it's microbe product testing program-I found it here

Under Reports and Guides, check the 2019 micro testing results pdf. It has virtually no Trichoderma, and it contains 1/18 the stated amount of Bacillus sp. I wanted to mention this awesome program from the State of Oregon once again so new folks know where to find the only accurate third party test results for rhizobacteria and myco/trichoderma products. It can be kind of hard to locate this information, they really need to revamp that website. Look up some of the other well known products while you're at it, it's sad to see fraud being perpetrated on such a scale, right out in the open.

The state of Washington has a searchable fertilizer database as well.

All products in this database are currently registered for distribution in Washington State.

Two major pieces of information in the database are the nutrient guarantees and the reported metals levels of nine heavy metals.

The "Guaranteed Analysis" is the minimum percentage (%) of each nutrient as claimed by the company. Blanks and & "0's" indicate no guarantee for that nutrient.

The "Reported Metals" is the maximum claimed concentration of each listed heavy metal based on the results of the lab analysis required by WSDA of a representative sample. The results are reported in parts per million (ppm).

I decided to look and see if the state of Oregon tested this as part of it's microbe product testing program-I found it here

Under Reports and Guides, check the 2019 micro testing results pdf. It has virtually no Trichoderma, and it contains 1/18 the stated amount of Bacillus sp. I wanted to mention this awesome program from the State of Oregon once again so new folks know where to find the only accurate third party test results for rhizobacteria and myco/trichoderma products. It can be kind of hard to locate this information, they really need to revamp that website. Look up some of the other well known products while you're at it, it's sad to see fraud being perpetrated on such a scale, right out in the open.
Thanks. Just bookmarked the site.
I decided to look and see if the state of Oregon tested this as part of it's microbe product testing program-I found it here

Under Reports and Guides, check the 2019 micro testing results pdf. It has virtually no Trichoderma, and it contains 1/18 the stated amount of Bacillus sp. I wanted to mention this awesome program from the State of Oregon once again so new folks know where to find the only accurate third party test results for rhizobacteria and myco/trichoderma products. It can be kind of hard to locate this information, they really need to revamp that website. Look up some of the other well known products while you're at it, it's sad to see fraud being perpetrated on such a scale, right out in the open.
The lead content in the report for Recharge is beyond the acceptable limits. Glad I stopped using this a year ago.
I stopped using it when I started using Athena Blended as I was told the cleanse kills off the good stuff in the recharge