Do you watch the urban grower??


Well-Known Member
Have you ever noticed the urban grower always smokes fat joints in peoples grow ops? I thought we were never supposed to smoke in our grow spaces? I have read time and time again how even small amounts of smoke from any source is horrible for plants . Just wondering if you guys and gals smoke near your plants??


Well-Known Member
That's a special occasion. If I had something worth showing off I would let him puff a doob in my grow.


Well-Known Member
the grow ops he goes to have great air movement and filtering, not a big deal. but he sure is cool, i have been watching remo for years. you ever seen the extreme grow room makeover, wouldnt that be cool?


Well-Known Member
I did see it what a cool deal they have in canada , just hang your licence on the door and presto no pigs!

the grow ops he goes to have great air movement and filtering, not a big deal. But he sure is cool, i have been watching remo for years. You ever seen the extreme grow room makeover, wouldnt that be cool?