Doc's Dank Seeds

I have a friend whose wife's cancer is in stage 4 and has gone thru chemo and radiation with no success. The flowers give her some relief, but she wants to try a cbd oil. I need some help....everything I have is high thc.

I would be glad to talk to that person, if you can help them but use the higest thc strain you not a dr, I am just talking from real life experinces is
I have started growing and working with the Franks Gift clone that has tested as high as 22.6 % cbd for my wife's migraines and our general aches and pains. I just made some gg4 x Frank's gift and cherry pie x Frank's gift but not the crosses I am looking to work more. I have some Frank's gift x catatonic @Joedank made with the cut I passed to him I am growing out now I am hopeful about and a few other herijana crosses I might can pull a nice cbd stud from. I have also been calling for two weeks about a harliquin cut testing at 15 - 18 %cbd and am picking up a lucy's lion that has a 22 - 1 cbd - thc ratio with less than 1% thc. Will also be hunting a Charlotte's web cut to help out in cali were my people are having a hard time getting clones, bud, or cbd oil.
That little girl CHARLOTTE is from rite here in ky,,that Stanley man flew here to ky to speak to help us get med, pot legal and him and his 3 brothers is good people.HE named that strain after that little girl.that is how that strain got its name charlottes wed was from where it help treat her secures it was a true mircol for her and her family and now she has a life worth living..And thank you from the bottem of my heart for helping make meds, that help people like her,I get teared up just talking about people like you that dos care for othere peoples health,so thank you again for what you do,,ky
I hope you can read my shitty writing,I did not go to school long in life I had to go to work,I hope you under stand that.Thats why roll it up is the onley site I post on NO ONE MAKES FUN OF ME WHERE I CAN NOT SPELL WORTH A SHIT,I am a smart man just not IS SOELLING OR SCHOOL THINGS.I did well in life with no schooling.All my kids went to collage and did very well in life and I am proud to say
I had bone cancer and made my own oil. I think your beter off using the highest indca strain thc you can get your hands on for oil for took 3 months for it to start srinking my boon cancer and in 6 months it was all gone,but it blue the drs, minds when I told them how I cured it.the drs wounted to give me kemo and I told them I would treat my sealf and It worked, but may never work again but it worked for me.The first time I hade a rare cancer after surgery I had 35 treatements of radiation and two othere people at that time had the same cancer as me, we was the onley 3 people in ky, to ever have that kind of cancer,one of the othere two people died and the othere person hade the same treatment as I did,but he never used the oil like I did and his came back,i lost track of him now so I don't if he got beter or not after his second surgery.Me personley I don't think the low thc stuff is good for cancer treatment.There is onley 2 placer in the world that studies the knid of cancer I had the first time,i went to the state of nc.and they told me onley thing could be done for the typed of cancer I had was cut it out,onley reason they recomanded radiontion was they did not trust the surgen that did my surgery,so if it comes back on me I can onley have surgery dun in the state of nc, where they studie that tyed of cancer at.It very very bad to come back that typ of cancer is so they think that oil is what keep it from coming back on fare so good and it has been 6 years now and not came back...

Yep, everything I've read on the topic indicates that a high thc oil is what you want. I'm helping a girl right now with bone cancer, and we're using thc flowers to make it.

Congrats on beating cancer ky! That's great to hear, and gives me hope for my patient!
That little girl CHARLOTTE is from rite here in ky,,that Stanley man flew here to ky to speak to help us get med, pot legal and him and his 3 brothers is good people.HE named that strain after that little girl.that is how that strain got its name charlottes wed was from where it help treat her secures it was a true mircol for her and her family and now she has a life worth living..And thank you from the bottem of my heart for helping make meds, that help people like her,I get teared up just talking about people like you that dos care for othere peoples health,so thank you again for what you do,,ky

And of course you know that Stanley and crew are from right here in Ft Collins, and that they bred Charlotte's Web here as well?
How are you making the oil and how do you administer it...and in what dosage?


Rick Simpson Oil (or Phoenix tears) is what you want to google. It takes A LOT of bud/trim to make a batch. You need a solvent (I use 99% isopropyl alcohol) and a rice cooker or something similar to *slowly* cook off the solvent. What you're left with is a tar-like substance that is more potent than words can describe. You would take a dose the size of a grain of rice (orally), and be prepared to be super stoned for many hours. It takes some time to develop a tolerance. 2 doses daily.

If you make this, be sure to do it outside, and have a fan blowing the fumes away from you and whatever device you're using to cook off the solvent. It's VERY flammable, so use caution.

Definitely google it though. There are some tutorials and YouTube vids that walk you through the process. Best of luck cof!
How are you making the oil and how do you administer it...and in what dosage?

I made mine with a pound of the best indca weed that I grew outdoors and it made around two oz oil, but I did not weight it that was just a guess.I used 99 percent achol.I put the weed in a bucket and poured the achol over the weed till it was covered and then stured it 5 minutes and then strain the weed out,I poured the liquid in a crock pot and keep added to it with the liquid till it was buled down,when it stared to get thick I poured it in a VERRY SMALL cocker and sit it on my stove on just worm setting,then them it got thicked I drew it up in a very big srunge with no needeal while it was very worm.the first week I took about the size of a gran of rice 8 times a day.then droped down to taking it twice a day one time in the morning and one time in the evening about a drop the size of two grains of rice..Why I took so much the first week was I wounded to get it in my system.I did not get high off eating it but I smoked some and got high as fuck and I love that high.That shit was great to smoke,,there is beter way to make that oil that is cleaner but I don't know how so I just did the onley way I knew how do make it,it is not legal in my state but if it was I would have some one make the oil through a closed loop system,,, hope that helps and I hope you can read it....
Rick Simpson Oil (or Phoenix tears) is what you want to google. It takes A LOT of bud/trim to make a batch. You need a solvent (I use 99% isopropyl alcohol) and a rice cooker or something similar to *slowly* cook off the solvent. What you're left with is a tar-like substance that is more potent than words can describe. You would take a dose the size of a grain of rice (orally), and be prepared to be super stoned for many hours. It takes some time to develop a tolerance. 2 doses daily.

If you make this, be sure to do it outside, and have a fan blowing the fumes away from you and whatever device you're using to cook off the solvent. It's VERY flammable, so use caution.

Definitely google it though. There are some tutorials and YouTube vids that walk you through the process. Best of luck cof!
That was the same video I watched to make mine,Every one says they get high as hell off eating the oil,BUT I DID NOT GET HIGH EATING THE OIL,But I got high as hell smokeing it,I liked smoking it so good that I make oil with all my trimmings and even moor buds just to smoke.I would love to have some made from buds through one of them closed loop systeams to smoke,i bet it would be great to eat or smoke for it would be a lot cleaner.yes I made mine out side so it did not blow up for it could bloow up ...after mine was what you say dun I finised it on my stove on a very low setting but by that time there was no danger in it blowing up or starting a
Yep, everything I've read on the topic indicates that a high thc oil is what you want. I'm helping a girl right now with bone cancer, and we're using thc flowers to make it.

Congrats on beating cancer ky! That's great to hear, and gives me hope for my patient!
I beat cancer two times..thank you for your kind time they onley gave me 30 days to live..Thank GOD for pot.
That was the same video I watched to make mine,Every one says they get high as hell off eating the oil,BUT I DID NOT GET HIGH EATING THE OIL,But I got high as hell smokeing it,I liked smoking it so good that I make oil with all my trimmings and even moor buds just to smoke.I would love to have some made from buds through one of them closed loop systeams to smoke,i bet it would be great to eat or smoke for it would be a lot cleaner.yes I made mine out side so it did not blow up for it could bloow up ...after mine was what you say dun I finised it on my stove on a very low setting but by that time there was no danger in it blowing up or starting a

It didnt get you high eating it? You must have the tolerance of a mule! I took a drop not much bigger than a pin head and I was so blitzed I thought I was having a stroke!
It didnt get you high eating it? You must have the tolerance of a mule! I took a drop not much bigger than a pin head and I was so blitzed I thought I was having a stroke!
I got a very high tolerance,my father befor he died said I could smoke moor weed than any person he had sean smoke in his life..I just cant figer out why the oil dos not make me high,but if I make buter out of good weed I get high as hell on bronies I have made with the butter,,sounds dumb I know but true.IT took me 17 weeks to pass a piss test.I had to stop smokeing for a little bit so I could get my pain pills back.POT don't help my pain when iam in bad pain but it help my nerves and helps me
I think the boiling water helps raise the flash point.

I just got a text about the cookies from oil
"Buzz rating: hornets nest. Laid back. but mind easy breezy"

That reminds me of my brother inlaw what you said,,when I was eating oil every day he would say,EASEY BREEZY that's a nuff oil to od a he could not eat much oil he said it triped in out and made him scard to death he said it made him fell like the feds was watching in when he ate oil,,,lol lol I had a lot of fun out of him when I got him to eat his first oil I told hime the law had called my house looking for him I told him the law ask me if he was a pot grower and he freak out till I told him it was a joke..good times we have had togeather ever cense we where kids lol ky
Congratulation on the new seed company Doc. Your crosses look great. It's good to see folks doing good and doing well.

I too am interested in the high CBD strains. My wife's family has a rare genetic disease of the nervous system that starts off making you drag your feet. As it progresses, you have less and less control of your legs. Her mother was walking with a cane in her 20's and her brother in his 30's. The wife is 62 now, and we had hoped she wouldn't get it, but it looks like that is not to be. It is getting harder for her to walk, and she can't get up off the floor without help. {she is not using a cane yet, but we don't take the mile long walks we did just a year ago either} There is a lot of leg pain that goes with the condition and she is living off of over the counter pain meds now. She doesn't like to get high, but said she would try a high CBD strain.

Thanks for the work you do,

I got a very high tolerance,my father befor he died said I could smoke moor weed than any person he had sean smoke in his life..I just cant figer out why the oil dos not make me high,but if I make buter out of good weed I get high as hell on bronies I have made with the butter,,sounds dumb I know but true.IT took me 17 weeks to pass a piss test.I had to stop smokeing for a little bit so I could get my pain pills back.POT don't help my pain when iam in bad pain but it help my nerves and helps me
You sound like me dude. I still spiked a fucking piss test after 12 weeks. Brother used to say goddamn man, youre smoking more than someone smoking a serious amount of cigs and you dont even look high ;)