I dont think I would mix RD its a great strain as it is. making s1 seeds is good and sharing is good. If you want strains to mix I got a few that would be great for that.
sfv x K on all but your control list of strains. I usually run 20 plus strains so I shorten them all the time.
I have been thinking Karma Valley Kush
karma valley snds nice...does someone have a copy write of an ancient word...karma isnt just about the maker....see thats the thing.. u make something new and u can name it "titties and beer"...cause u did the work of breeding it properly to get those two strains that have a million other genetics to where they are now..homogeneous and hearty and all the countless traits one develops to make it o say....karma valley kush. works for me ty brotha...done deal for me at least
did karma thank the ppl of the kush valley or the countless crosses it took to get to karma og....nope...he just named it karma og. its the same thing...besides its called karma valley kush..all of which are part of the parents...its honering breeders still
oh if the base is Karma naming it Karma is like saying fuck Karma genetics. Come on lets use sense and respect other growers/breeders please.
well sry for being so senseless....whats karmas base?? did he give them honorable mentions...no. he did the work so he named it....i respect all ppl..maybe not to ur standards but im good w that. doc bred two crosses made up of tons of crosses and there it is...KARMA VALLEY KUSH...u tell ur patients the fourty crosses used to make the karma og and the sfv og....i keep it simple and real. thank u for ur righteous indignation...its almost refreshing
just wrote kvk on pots...boom ty doc and ur feelings dccobeen where takin into consideration i swear..peace and holy grail grease
oh if the base is Karma naming it Karma is like saying fuck Karma genetics. Come on lets use sense and respect other growers/breeders please.
Man i see it as more respectful than renaming it to something else. Then lieing about what is in it and fronting a load of bull shit to people( cookie family anyone) So much of that happens already and with a name like karma valley kush you know straight off what it is made off. Don is right though no one owns any of this shit the way the laws are now. I can copy right a rose but a strain i put 3 or for years in to i can hold nothing over it. The only owner ship i have is breeding pars that make known good seed.
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all natural...no animals were hurt in the making of these flowers. grown w love and magic....watered by elves and i use faeries for pest control...og unicorn shit and urine from monks. super biodynamics!!!:o