@Dr.D81 looking awesome man! I want to start messing around with glass someday. Nice meeting you at the bbq. You seem like a hella cool dude.

Have you caught that ca gold episode of Huell Howser when he was in Chico? He went by that glass blowing company. Shitz badass
I haven't seen that one yet, is it blazin Jays? There's been way too many reruns lately, I mean all of them are reruns, but they keep playing everything I've seen before 10x in a row lol. Nikki knows the guy that owns the shop in Chico I think, or her friend is friends with him or something like that :p shits expensive there! They do a glass festival every year with glass blowing demonstrations
I haven't seen that one yet, is it blazin Jays? There's been way too many reruns lately, I mean all of them are reruns, but they keep playing everything I've seen before 10x in a row lol. Nikki knows the guy that owns the shop in Chico I think, or her friend is friends with him or something like that :p shits expensive there! They do a glass festival every year with glass blowing demonstrations
No, and they don't make peices for stoners, i don't think?
They make other crazy ass stuff though. Shit is awesome either way.
Ahh, then I'm not sure which place it is, I'll have to find it tomorrow. Making a Costco run lol. Never been to a Costco or let alone any big chain store in 10 years. I'm nervous :p
Costco is the best! I find myself in there a couple times a week:-D
By you going on a sunday, there will be plenty of samplers. Free meal. It's the best!
Thanks bro i just got the gold a couple days ago. I am lucky to live by one of the two glass craft stores so no shipping. They were out the first time i went by but i am glade it took a couple trys to get it. That gold is to high to waist.

Thats sweet your so close to glasscraft, that is a awesome resource. I just ordered some more silver and some gold last night actually. I'm not sure what you payed for your gold, but I found it online for $40/g which is half of what ABRimagery is charging. I think a gram is gonna last me a few months at least. Anything that gets fumed with gold I will probably also charge $3-5 more for. Fuming is so fun, I've been having a blast with silver for awhile, but have only played with a little gold.
Thats sweet your so close to glasscraft, that is a awesome resource. I just ordered some more silver and some gold last night actually. I'm not sure what you payed for your gold, but I found it online for $40/g which is half of what ABRimagery is charging. I think a gram is gonna last me a few months at least. Anything that gets fumed with gold I will probably also charge $3-5 more for. Fuming is so fun, I've been having a blast with silver for awhile, but have only played with a little gold.
They sell it in wire form so it is 6.80 a ft for silver and 17.50 an inch for gold there. Gold looks like it fumes off pretty slow from to little ball it makes. I have only used a tiny piece so far. I would like to just get a 1oz silver round and be stocked for a long time. I made a cosmic hash spoon, inside out pipe, a inside out chillum, a fumed one hitter, a wigwag ball and a cosmic dabber last night. I cant wait to get my bunsen burner in so i can burn color in and condense faster.
They sell it in wire form so it is 6.80 a ft for silver and 17.50 an inch for gold there. Gold looks like it fumes off pretty slow from to little ball it makes. I have only used a tiny piece so far. I would like to just get a 1oz silver round and be stocked for a long time. I made a cosmic hash spoon, inside out pipe, a inside out chillum, a fumed one hitter, a wigwag ball and a cosmic dabber last night. I cant wait to get my bunsen burner in so i can burn color in and condense faster.
Hahaha...I come to this thread whenever I get lazy about garden work....pure inspiration this^^^ guy! ATB!