Doc's laboratory

I want a mix of Dr. Fire.. :) Save a knockout artist for a m8. Ill get my donations ready for March. Birthday present to self :P Hehe
Well looks like there should be some serious Karma Genetics coming though the lab! I was asked to test officially for Karma now. I am hoping for some epic 100 seed test packs that were mentioned. Would be about right for my setup with a capacity of 45 in the octagon:-)

Granddad balls
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That sounds awesome. Hope you get it..
You know how a song can replay a part in your brain over an over.. I got that right now just with a deep mans voice going balls, balls, balls. I need to go to sleep.. Its morning soon. Balls :)
Nice lineup of crosses there. Think those corrupt fkn politicians there will ever let things change? I got fckt over more than once in Lafay. over very small amounts, like less than 5 g amounts