DOCs! What is this? (PICS)


Well-Known Member

Do plants get like this becouse of heat?

Overwatering can make this too?

The temperature is 90.

Its very difficult to lower the temp more than that cos this days were so hot here. now its getting cooler.

Will this little plant be able to adapt to that temp for a while?

And the millon dollar question:
if i take the plant during the day so that it gets sunlight, and at night i put the plant inside the growing closet, is it ok? ( i didnt do this, i just want to know).

Should i put off the lights at night and start a 20/4 to cool down a bit the place?




Well-Known Member
lower the lights to 18 - 6. also put a fan in. that does look like burning


Well-Known Member
Should i put off the lights at night and start a 20/4 to cool down a bit the place?
^ how do you figure that? lol
unless, you were running 24/7, lights on...

but, like the others said, i would start over...
that plant, doesn't look good, at all...


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell but it looks like you might have some hot spots from your reflective material. Try to have your mylar as smooth as possible or go with gloss white paint instead. Just a thought.

By the way, I too would start over with so much stress already to the little tripper....


Well-Known Member


She must live! :(

Ill wait until it heals. but i want to know the best ways to make it heal.


Well-Known Member
dont kill it, make sure u can put ur hand on the top of the plant and not be uncomfortable by the light burning. Get fans in there and only water when its dry bout 2 inches below survice


Well-Known Member
im amost sure that it is not a heat problem.
cos the box has 4 coolers, good ventilation, and the temperature is not soo high.
I read here that these plants can live with high temps anyway.
So i think this problem is overwatering... but,

overwater can cause the burnings??
Ph can cause burnings?


Active Member
your temps are 90. they should be around 77. WAY to hot! no offense meant here, but whoever told you that any young marijuana plant could survive (let alone adapt, at this young of an age) in constant 90 degree temps, was full of shit.

whether you start over or not (you should start over) you need to get fans in there and drop those temps. i doubt she will recover with as much stress and damage as she has taken.


Active Member
pull your camera back and make sure its focused on the plant, not the background, please, then re post in your own thread.


Well-Known Member
Stop watering. Your giving her too much love.
Give her (thinking positively) a couple days then water every couple days.
Oh yea, temps down a bit too.


Active Member

looks to me like over watering bro...get yourself some good soil to..looks like you got some poopy dirt and gravel in there heh.

Miracle Gro Moisture Control Soil - 16 QT. at Merrifield Garden Center

^^I suggest this soil (or hydro if you can). Works real nice. You can pick up a big bag at Wal-Mart for 4 bucks and a huge bag for 12. Some times the top looks dry but under the soil, in the depths, it's moist as shit. It works real nice because it has miracle grow in it that feeds the plant for 3months. Veg 1 1/2month flower 2month. Prune them to keep size down. That's how you get massive soil yields. You need to veg a little longer though, compared to hydro's 1month veg period, because it takes a bit longer for the roots to develop fully in soil.

^this will also give you 2 weeks for flush. Make sure you flush good so you have tasty buds. Don't waste 3 months and get shitty weed man.

By the way stop watering so much. Also always have 2'' or 3'' of clean gravel(or hydroton or any kind of small rocks) on the bottom so you don't get clumps of mud clogging the bottom of the container. Water need to be able to drip out of pot and into drip container.

Try to keep your temp closer to 78-80 degrees and the plants will thrive. Or 85 if you cannot get it that low. I got my wall thermometer at the dollar store for $1 and taped it to the wall.

Hope this information helps you with next grow.


Well-Known Member
hey im only a newbie at this but i thort this soil was the gun. im using 25% worm castings,with about 150 worms in each pot ,25% seed raising mix and 50% good quality organic potting mix, i fertalise every second day ,the other days i just use fresh water and on occasions i use garden lime to bring the ph up. i dont know maybe cause its a dodgy seed ill post some pics of my other plant right next to it its thriving but its from a good quality seed (california special) indica stran .and i use the same feeding for them both


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell but it looks like you might have some hot spots from your reflective material. Try to have your mylar as smooth as possible or go with gloss white paint instead. Just a thought.

By the way, I too would start over with so much stress already to the little tripper....

FLAT WHITE, Not gloss (common mistake) Flat reflects more light,