Documenting my first attempt - Cloning with Soil [Pics]


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so im extremely new to this cloning business, but i have done alot of reading and learning on the subject and now going to put it to the test.

I've got a beautiful female in flowering and shes coming along awesome!
That is why I decided to clone her to keep her legacy going! She has been in flowering for 1 week so i figured its not too late, although i do expect the roots to take longer then usual because of this.

Materials I used:
-Sharp razor blade
-CLONEX - Rooting hormone gel
-Sharp scissors
-Plastic food storage container - Used for the dome

What I did:
I cut the clone from the lowest part of the plant, then i placed it in water which i had left out for 24hours, also adding a little bit of hormone gel to the water, i then trimmed off 4-5 fan leaves and the new shoots, I then made a second cut to my clone but this time the cut was made underwater so i do not get any air bubbles in the stem! With the razor i then made a few small slice nearing the bottom of the stem where i want the roots to form, dipped it into the hormone gel and placed directly into soil.

I cut this clone yesterday so today will make it day 2

I was surprised when i got up this morning and checked on the clone, it hasn't drooped 1 bit since the cut and the leaves look green and healthy, this must be a good sign to a good start!!

The temps are between 70-80F

1 Thing i wont be doing is pulling the clone out every week to see if it has rooted, im going to wait for 3 weeks and then just re-plant it, will keep use updated! :D

These pics were taken this morning 1 day after the cut



Well-Known Member
thanks man, got no idea about the strain, just a seed i got out of one of my buds i purchased, got like 70 of them, looks more sativa dominant i would say


Well-Known Member
It's day 3 the clone seems to be doing very well, theres been no signs of wilting or drooping, the leaves are still very green and there perky, so thats a good sign were on track


Well-Known Member
Hey just a quick little update, its now day 9 since cutting the clone and its doing very well, it still looks the same as when i first took the cut, nice, green and perky :D

Everyday im gradually increasing its time out of the dome, today i took the dome off for 2 hours and it didn't droop or wilt at all, is this a good sign that the roots are coming along?
I dont want to pull it out and check but it does look like its grown a tiny bit

Im going to wait atleast another 11days before transplanting but if i see major new growth then i will transplant it sooner

I wont post pics until i see some new developments, the clone looks pretty much the same as it did in the first pictures i took, cheers


Well-Known Member
last night my clone didnt even need the dome! i took the dome off before i went to bed and i woke up this morning and the clone was still looking great despite being out of the dome all night!
tell me this is a good sign of things going well? someone? anyone?


Well-Known Member
If you start to clone a lot, check out something like
root riot plugs. You can get the kit with clonex for around 35 bucks.
All organic, hold the perfect amount of moisture, easy to tell when to transplant,
and work well with clonex.
With a pair of fiskars, a bottle of clonex, and root riot plugs
I took 10 strawberry cough cuttings 2 fridays ago and all 10
rooted between 7-12 days later. Easy as snip, dip, plug.

Good luck, nothing like carrying on the line of a good plant.


Well-Known Member
thanks, yep im definitely going to go with those next time i clone, seems like its taking for ever in soil, just gotta be patient with this one


Well-Known Member
check this out, to me it looks like it has grown, the first pic is from when i first cut the clone, and the 2nd pic is from yesterday. By the way when i first cut the clone it had 3 fan leaves on it which you can see in the first picture, i had to cut one of the leaves off because it had a slice on the stem of it, but in the recent pictures you can see more than 2 leaves now, which must mean it has grown

