DoeEyed's Perpetual Grow Log


Well-Known Member
Well I transplanted most of the little ones today, into their three gallon homes. Glad I did, the roots were looking a bit crowded! Now I'm thinking about it - wish I would have taken a picture of the roots. Hopefully I'll see some nice new growth. They seem to be recovering from the nute shock - what do you guys think, go ahead and feed them this weekend (they'll be a little over three weeks) or wait a bit more because of the burn?
Hubby was feeling a bit left out of the growing action, so since I had a few spots open, he started some tomato plants.

The hempy experiment is still going well. Train Wreck baby is looking less overwatered, now I've backed off on watering the peat pellet. The little twin, Andrea, is also still thriving - she has a second set of leaves coming in, yay!

The clones are liking their new spot under the 600. No stretching yet, but I am seeing a lot of new growth off the branches - they look bushier already, in just a couple days.

Big girls are developing nice trichs already. I moved the plant out of the center, and put the shortest one in the middle - I just felt like it was a tad too warm for the taller girl right under there. The smell is still a nice, mild, citrus smell - very pleasant!

Got the sprayers in for my cloner, and my jumbo bag of perlite (4 cu f). Still waiting on the net pots and neoprene inserts, and the Clonex gel. When these youngest plants get older, I'll try out the cloner on them, first - before it counts. If the tops are big enough when I cut them, maybe I'll try a few of those.:leaf:

Just got Dish Network hooked up, awesome to have channels again. However - whatever he did, knocked my connection speed back further, to a whopping 33.6kbps.:sad: Gonna take a minute or 30 to upload pictures.:wall: God, I hate dial-up. I'm seriously considering paying the rediculous prices for satellite internet.
i go away for a min and look what happens lol . wow doe you have been busy as a bee . everything is looking good


Well-Known Member
I am stoked about all this Lemon Skunk in there. Got to love those big bags of perlite...... Photobucket is the way to go. Looks like another day in paradise in Doe's room.

Husband, Tomatoes? Be very careful. I tried juggling a salsa garden with tomatoes, 3 types of peppers, Avocado Tree, and a bunch of dwarf citrus trees. Spidermites thrive in peppers and tomatoes. I had a terrible time keeping everything balanced. Needless to say, I built a small flouro room in another section of my house for my houseplants and veggies. Not trying to discourage, or kick hubby out of the grow room. Just keep your eye on them.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate the heads-up, wonder. We're starting them from seed, so I'm gonna hope there will be no bugs along with 'em - but I'll watch, just the same. I've got a free CFL rack, still - maybe I'll move the maters downstairs.


Well-Known Member
Yea, Whatever. Seeds are safer. The guys at a local hydroshop have a hard time with their indoor salsa garden and the spidermites. You got a nice solid setup there.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be worried about introducing bugs with other plants, but rather that the other plants will attract them as a food source. I highly recommend against it since I've had bad experiences with that in the past.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh Lemon Skunk... Should be a great next 3 months for us viewers and you as well at home watching this LS progress. I've heard the LS is a very nice strain all around GL with it doe.



Well-Known Member
I hear ya I'm not to keen on greenhouse though as I've heard a lot of bad comments about their germ rates so I probably won't have the chance to grow it out unless I somehow come across a clone.



Well-Known Member
Oh hell ya I didn't DNA had one I might pick some up this summer, I dunno just got wait and see. I know Mk-ultra is for sure on the list. I want to try a TGA strain as well for a bit more heady smoke.



Well-Known Member
Hey GFK, my Lemon Skunk is Greenhouse - had 100% germination with it. Actually, I've had great germination rates with all threir strains so far, except The Church - and for those I think I may have gotten an immature batch of seeds. I did have one DNA Lemon Skunk growing - she was half the size of the GHS ones, and growing slowly - traded her for an air purifier. My buddy had one, too - same slow growth rate. Here's one of the last pics I took of her - she's on the right, GHS LS on the left. Picture says it all.

It'll be late tonight before I get any pics up guys - maybe tomorrow even. Had me a late night trip to the ER, guess I have pneumonia. Feeling pretty rough.



Well-Known Member
Great comparison shot, thanks Doe. That sucks about the pneumonia, take it easy on the smoke and get better soon.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys - being sick sucks! But I still gotta take care of my ladies...

All the little ones got topped today, so I took the opportunity to test out my Stinkbud cloner. Put in two Power Kush, and three Cheese. They seem a bit small, and I hear it takes longer for the top to root - true or no?

Either way - it's just a trial run. If they root, I may keep two of 'em for the couple empty slots I have open. If not, I'm not losing anything. So! I need your advice, guys, on the lighting for it. It's sitting right next to my little seedling table (and CFL rack). What would be the best option for lighting it? Would the ambient light from the MH lights be enough? How about those and the CFL rack together? Or, I could try and hang my other CFL rack there? Too much maybe? I could also buy a 2 foot fluoro for it. Ideas on this?

The young girls are doing well. The new growth was looking very nice, much better than where I overdid the nutes. They did get a feed a couple days ago - took it well.

My hempy babies were doing good, too. Decided to put them in their big buckets tonoght. I may have stressed them. :wall: I didn't really know what to expect - the perlite didn't hold together like soil does, and basically most of it crumbled in my hand. The small TW twin didn't have huge roots yet, and she's a bit overwatered. The Super Lemon Haze had great roots, however - they reached the bottom of the cup. She's looking a bit pale - I think I need to start feeding her. Here's hoping they survive the transplant!

The LS clones are doing well. They are starting to stretch now, but the nodes are staying pretty close, still - I'm pretty happy about it.

Lastly, the big girls are really starting to fill out now. Nice healthy buds all over the place, and the trich production is amazing! I can't wait to try it!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
CFLS should be great for the clones. I would go 24 hours for the first 2 days and then cut it back to 20/4 for a week and then 18/6 for the remainder for the clones to get fast rooting. I found 24hours a day is the slowest rooting light regimne and the drop to 18/6 seems to be what the new cuttings want. Love the new cloner I'm jealous of all your progress gah!!! I can't wait to move up north...... then then I shall let you in on what I got going on in my closet hahahaha.



Active Member
nice update doe, lookin great. i think cfls are just fine for the cloner and mine rooted in 12 days on 24/7 without rooting hormone. took another 8 yesterday. all i did to hang the light was screw a 2x2 into the wall at correct height and buy a 6 buck reflecter with a clamp @ home depot or walmart and clamp it to the 2x2. works great for me. my cloner is in my veg room off to the side and i put up a piece of cardboard just to be safe, but a little hid should be ok. friend has two 1000 running 24/7 with his cloner in the same room.

when i first read the blueprint for the aeroponic cloner it said "pass it on". glad to see your finished cloner.

just read your question again and i think your cloner needs two of its own cfls above it.


Well-Known Member
Just popped in to see the progress and damn girl!! The set-up looks great and the ladies beautiful! Sorry to hear about pnemonia, it always makes every chore a little bigger..but like you said the ladies need you even when your sick. Amazing job on the set-up and the cloner looks like titurned out perfect.