does a tobacco mosaic virus infected plant give the virus to its seeds?

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i had a thought does anyone know if tmv is given to seeds by an infected plant and can pollen from a sick plant transmit tmv to the female plant and more importantly its seeds. another question i was considering using a high concentration silver solution to possibly kill tmv in infected clones you would have to really saturate the plant roots stems leaves soil everything but since tmv is a virus i dont see why it would not be possible to kill tmv this way. there is no known cure im aware of but some research shows silver will kill tmv which is a particularly strong virus. i ask because some larry og clones carry tmv it does not kill plants but it screws them up a bit anybody have input on this.:peace:


New Member
i had a thought does anyone know if tmv is given to seeds by an infected plant and can pollen from a sick plant transmit tmv to the female plant and more importantly its seeds. another question i was considering using a high concentration silver solution to possibly kill tmv in infected clones you would have to really saturate the plant roots stems leaves soil everything but since tmv is a virus i dont see why it would not be possible to kill tmv this way. there is no known cure im aware of but some research shows silver will kill tmv which is a particularly strong virus. i ask because some larry og clones carry tmv it does not kill plants but it screws them up a bit anybody have input on
Hey BikeR, I'm pretty sure the virus would not be passed through the male gametes (pollen). It's been a while since my Bio lab days, but I'm 99% sure on this. The mother would be another story.

Yeah, i think I may have introduced TMV to two plants in a frenzy to kill some resistant mites.

I've gone organic and the best thing to do IMO is use some tea that has been brewed with some worm casting or other catalyst, spray the plant, drench the soil. Just get that soil healthy and take clones. My clones have shown NO signs of TMV so far. It is likely just in a suppressed state, but as you said it doesn't kill's like herpes for marijuana...the stigma is worse than the sickness. :peace:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
some socal clones have it particularly some larry og clones makes the leaves get weird yellow patterns and they twist in funny shapes. so from male to female no but the plant producing the seeds could still pass it on possibly to its seeds? i know mammals can have a virus and dont always give it to there offspring hiv is an example but thats mammals. i know there is no known treatment for tmv thats commonly used but i read that silver can kill it. i wonder if a soil drench and foliar spray of a high ppm of ionized silver could kill the virus in a clone. i may test this as i make silver for reversing anyways. first i have to finish battling outdoor thrips worse than mites by far i think.


New Member
some socal clones have it particularly some larry og clones makes the leaves get weird yellow patterns and they twist in funny shapes. so from male to female no but the plant producing the seeds could still pass it on possibly to its seeds? i know mammals can have a virus and dont always give it to there offspring hiv is an example but thats mammals. i know there is no known treatment for tmv thats commonly used but i read that silver can kill it. i wonder if a soil drench and foliar spray of a high ppm of ionized silver could kill the virus in a clone. i may test this as i make silver for reversing anyways. first i have to finish battling outdoor thrips worse than mites by far i think.
I though you said you never had the borg, i mean mites yet LOL Or you got mutant thrips! then again, i've got mantises in my yard, I don't think those stinking thrips could make it to my closet!

Neem works on thrips I believe.

I would only try the silver on one clone. I don't see how it could access all the cells without a toxic effect. Hope I'm wrong though.

Plus if you do a soil drench you will kill most of the microbes that live there. Yeah, not many options with TMV it seems.

Good luck and let me know if it works.


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah you would kill most soil microbes i think in the study they injected silver into the plant you would think that would simply kill it who knows. i have had mites but i always kill them quickly some are on an outdoor og kush but it is near harvest and there not really doing any damage so im not going to treat them. the thrips on the other hand will screw your plants up bad in 48 hours and they seem to prefer sprouts and fresh new growth tips and thankfully have left the flowering plants alone go figure. i have sprayed with neem plain water and pyrethrum with little effect. i did a bunch of research and the only way to eliminate thrips consistently seems to be products with spinosad i used some yesterday and already there are mostly dead ones to be found. so im dealing with mites and thrips outdoor but its different than an indoor infestation there are other good bugs that help and limit the damage i guess natures balance. particularly in my case the green lacewing it has layed many eggs on my various plants the larvae eat mites thrips etc.. i was indoor before so im just now figuring out this outdoor thing.


New Member
Oh ur outside...yeah, mites are THE WORST inside. There are plenty predators outside that'll get um.

SPINOSAD!!! i'm been telling people to try it for the last few weeks cuz it seems like a dream come true since I read about it. You told me what I needed to know...the thrips drop like flies...Thanks for the report!

glad it's working.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah its interesting stuff(spinosad) its made from fermented bacteria found in a cave at a rum distillery in the bahamas by a scientist on vacation its was a new species and has not been found anywhere else on earth so far. well i was indoors until recently i did have small mite issues from infected clones but i always was able to kill them with neem or pyrethrum and i also kept a large lady bug population around that seemed to help as well. one thing to consider is that there are various species of thrips and mites some worse than others.


New Member
one thing to consider is that there are various species of thrips and mites some worse than others.
Mos Def. Believe me, I used to grow in Minnesota and while the mosquitoes are much worse there, the mites, white flies, thrips, catapillars, mold are all worse here in Texas.

I think lots of people say Neem (and other things too) doesn't work because they tried it one time and it didn't work. Lots of reasons for this possibility.

I've seen more than one person here say neem killed their plants. I've had it help kill a plant that was over-run with mites.

I use the Dyna-grow and at least on my bottle the mixing directions are unclear. here is why I say that: On the bottle the word wrap on the label is like this:

Mix 1
1/2 tsp. DG neem and 1 and 1/2 tsp. DG penetrant or liquid dish soap per quart of water and spray.....

so the first time I used 1 and 1/2 tsp neem and the rest (killed the plant)
so on re-reading I decided to just 1/2 tsp. neem. Get my meaning? Works fantastic at the second rate with applications every third day for a few weeks.

I also think failing to act quickly enough is a reason it doesn't work

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah i use einstein oil(cold pressed neem oil) works great on established plants but i nearly killed some young sprouts it burned them. the spinosad seems to have had no negative effects on the sprouts so far i also like pyrethrum it kills everything you spray but only what you hit directly and it dissipates quickly so useful when your near harvest as neem stays awhile on the plant surface. indoors or out i use neem and pyrethrum for mites and have eliminated them that way full coverage is critical. im going to see if i can use the spinosad on mites also its organic and omri listed i try to avoid real chems like avid etc.. unless i have no choice.


New Member
:eyesmoke: shit! send that last one off half baked....Yes, application is key. If you don't get along the veins under the leaves with neem, those little fucks 'll just hide and wait a day or two.

I run CO2 in my little closet, so I can always gas them :twisted: I'd rather use CO2 for good than evil though.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
looks like according to most that spinosad at a high dose kills mites also ill try when i get a chance and let you know how it works out.