Does an air con unit act as an intake or just an air coolant?


Active Member
hi guys just buzzin out really wanted to know if my a/c unit acts as an intake and supplys co2 to my plants or if it just acts as an air coolant and brings temp down?


Well-Known Member
Different air conditioners do different things.

Window A/C units typically do not exchange air between the inside and the outside.

Portable units come in several types.


Active Member
Different air conditioners do different things.

Window A/C units typically do not exchange air between the inside and the outside.

Portable units come in several types.
hi sorry i was in a rush earlier and didnt really explain myself properly
follow the link to see what type of portable air con unit i have also i dont have the unit in the room i have it at the door of the room facing in so its bringing air in from diff room<{9372015}/categories<{9372041}&fh_refview=lister&ts=1281475885513&isSearch=false


Well-Known Member
a duel hose portable will not. but a single hose unit creates negitve pressure (vacuum) in the room they are in which means fresh are will be sucked in through air leaks in the room to nuetralize the vacuum


Active Member
Ok guys maybe its me buzzin out but im still abit unclear if my aircon unit is actin as intake bringing co2 into my room or if its just coolin my room down.. Bare in mind the unit is at the door blowin in from the outside {just poking in the door}. I posted a link earlier to show what unit im using so would be great if sum1 knows the answer.

By the way i also have intake