Does Any Body Have a Clue?


Does anybody know what could cause this ....I topped it a while back because of this and when it grew back it done the same thing ..just on one side tho..any help would be helpful:joint:



Well-Known Member
Kinda looks like your light fried it or some type of ph issue. Are you inside or outside? Plus they look a little stretched??


Active Member
It looks like nothing more than leaves that grew out where you topped it. Mine will be without leaf tips like some of yours but occasionally after topping I'll get the crooked blade leaf too. It'll outgrow it.


Well-Known Member
It will outgrow it but still looks like its burnt to me ( not nute burn but light burn)
I have to agree with you max.. it does (if you take the time to really look at the picture.. *AHEMMM*) it does indeed look like it was either way too close to the light source.. or, your PH is WAY out of wack.



Well-Known Member
i concur. i get that all the time when i F.I.M but more info may be needed to correctly diagnose your problem. topping though, ive never had that problem.


Well-Known Member
hey at first I thought it was burnt too,,,as in light burn,,but as max316420 is asking and from your snap are you growing in that green house? cause if so I take it the plants not under a lamp of somkind? it dose look like that affected area is in a hotspot from a lamp, and thats why its only that small area. But if your not under a light, then it could just be after the topping. I nip back all my plants and on occassion its diffusing of hormones can result in a small area of mutational growth. Growth that just dosnt work. I doubt its a PH inbalance as it wouldnt just be the one area, you would see other leaves affected.

So either light burn, or you havnt spilt anything on it? maybe a splahing of undiluted liquid fert? Personally I wouldnt worry to much untill there was 'damage' like that over two or three areas,but checking your pH wont hurt. Whats your medium?

take it easy.


Well-Known Member
ya I thought he might be outside too, but maybe he is moving them outside to water or work on them. Doubting its ph but ph can sometimes cause your leaves to twist like that but my finale answer is burnt from light lol Also I have topped hundreds of plants and have never seen that, not saying it can't and or doesn't happen i just have never experienced it


Active Member
i concur. i get that all the time when i F.I.M but more info may be needed to correctly diagnose your problem. topping though, ive never had that problem.
Top, it what you want unless by topping you mean chopping the stalk which I've done but wouldn't recommend.

I do see the burn now though. I wonder why it's only affecting the fimmed area..?


Well-Known Member
new leaves im guessing would be more prone. Either way that plant will def outgrow that.. Ive seen ALOT worse


yes they streached ..they just took off ..I didnt know how to slow them down
they in my greenhouse for privicy /my PH is around 6.8-7.0 as far as I can tell
I use a couple methods ..strips and soil tester what is the best and how is the correct way to use
thanks yall ...yall great


idk whats wrong it looks like its flowering at 2 weeks from seed but its only about a inch or twwo tall and no more leaves are sprouting ?!?! There is pistils where leaves should be coming but its beeen like this for about 4 days.. Someone no what to do??? OTHER THEN THE 2 SET IF LEAVES GROWING, THEY ARENT COIMING FROM THE TOP? SHOULD I CUT THE 2 BIGGEST LEAVES AND L



Well-Known Member
I would just let it go, I sprouted a g13 haze and it looked kinda like that and I was like where the fuck are the leaves and eventually it started to grow and now it looks fine?? one of the great mysteries in life i guess


Well-Known Member
WHOA WHOA WHOA, don't highjack his thread, start you own, buddy.

Anyway, there is absolutely zero evidence of any light burn because the growth ABOVE the twisted leaf is normal. These are just genetic abnormalities, not much different than you and I having moles...if you cloned this plant, the new ones will probably do the same thing.


Well-Known Member
whoa whoa whoa, don't highjack his thread, start you own, buddy.

Anyway, there is absolutely zero evidence of any light burn because the growth above the twisted leaf is normal. These are just genetic abnormalities, not much different than you and i having moles...if you cloned this plant, the new ones will probably do the same thing.

was i directing my post to you? Nope.. So mind yo business, "PUNK"