does anyone else think guns should be banned?

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Well-Known Member
so you'd need a gun if someone broke into your truck?

come on. :roll:

i'm playing around. none of you seem to get it. hahahhahahahhahahaha
nope, I would never take a life because some kid wanted to jack my car stereo.

I never said I would either. Thank you for putting words into my mouth :spew:

My point with relying on cops is simple. Where I live, cops are not around. I cannot call them when Im in trouble or when I need help.

playing around? youre right, I dont get it.


I really dont understand why you seem so negative when it comes to guns.

May I ask? What is your beef with guns? Why so much hatred?

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Fdd, I have been shot and yes my .357 would have been real nice when that gangbanger tried to kill me. Also had a friend who was slingin coke get put in his trunk with a bullet in his head. I live in a nicer neiborhood than oakland (never been there) and hell yes, I do need my gun and i weigh 300 plus pounds and can mop the floor with just about anyone and I still need a gun.i'm not scared of anyone. it doesn't make me feel powerful at all. Thats what pullups and deadlifts are for. When people try to kill you you need a gun.


Well-Known Member
I think it may be an endless battle.. I want the right to own a gun to protect myself, but I don't want there to be guns in the first place to have to defend myself against. Though, I may be defending myself from any other kind of weapon. I really can not say what I want, I will leave it up to legislation I guess. I have a restraining order or 2 against me, so I cannot legally own a gun. I'll tell you what though, I'll stab the hell out of somebody if I find them in my house. As long as they aren't in my kitchen with my knives haha. I have my own blade in here, but I digress..
I am over 20. and I believe I am too young to have a gun, and too young to have my life taken by a gun. but some things can't be helped. I can't live in the world I wish it was, you know? Till then, I'll do my best not to get shot, which is kind of a crappy backdrop to live with in your life.


Well-Known Member
People always try to mis-interpret the founding father's intention with the 2nd amendment. They try to say, "oh, they were talking about hunting, etc." In reality however they were waging a war against Great Britain. They wanted the citizens to have the most cutting edge up to date military arms of the day. Why should we trust members of the government with a weapon we do not allow the citizens to possess. A single shot weapon will kill just as well as a fully automatic weapon. What makes a machine gun so much more inherently dangerous then a semi-automatic? The right to bear arms is what gives our country the greatest security of all, if everyone is armed an invasion by anyone is next to impossible. Also, people tend to behave better when they know there is someone armed in their presence. This is the same reason shooting spree's tend to occur when the shooter believes his targets will not be firing back. How many shooting sprees have happened at a shooting range or on a military base?


i started this thread as i was asked to stop posting in the gun enthusiast thread. it seems to me for a stoner website theres a hell of a lot of people who like to shoot things! lol.

heres my reasons why i think guns should be banned.
1. in 2006 there were 60.000 fatal incidents involving guns in the us. compare that tt the 4.237 that have been killed in iraq in FIVE years it shows if you want to be safe join the army!
2. america has the highest suicide rates in the world. fact. this even includes switzerland where it is legal for assisted suicide. (for this reason many people from over europe go there for a dignified end.)
3. if people have access to guns they shoot if they dont they cant!
4. only 0.8 percent of fatal shootings in america are in self defenc. this makes a mockery of the claim that fire arms are essential for personal safety.

any way this is all my opinion. if anyone else has any reasons feel free to post!
Look at the American cities where guns are effectively banned. They have some of the highest violent murder rates. So it looks like the only people their laws have protected is the bad guys. You said there were 60,000 fatal incidents involving guns. How many of the 60,000 were committed by someone legally entitled to own a gun using a legal weapon? A tiny fraction?

Your argument that because only a small fraction of fatal shootings are in self-defense, firearms aren't essential for personal safety is ridiculous. I'm going to assume you don't have experience with guns. First 2 rules of guns: Never point a weapon at something/someone you aren't willing to shoot. Never pull the trigger unless you are willing to kill. Firing a weapon should be the last resort. If the bad guy knows you have a weapon and are prepared to use it, the vast, vast majority of the time you won't have too. So that weapon that you didn't pull the trigger on just saved your life.

It's funny you should mention Switzerland. They have very liberal gun laws and one of the highest gun ownership per capita in the world.

Bottom line, if guns were banned tomorrow, don't you realize that the only people who would not have them is the citizen who only wanted to protect himself?


Well-Known Member
a few points i would like to adress if thats ok. primarily it seems alot of people are saying "damn if the crimanals have got guns i want one to!" to this i say what happens when the crimanls start useing grenades? do you all want them too? also my main worry would be i have alot of friends, and im sur you guys are the some are knobheads. its true weve all got friends who are just plain stupid! think about it how many times are you hanging about and a mate does something retarded and all you say is "fuck it what can you do hes a mate?" no i worry about how many of these kind of people have guns! i know everyone here is saying how responsable they are but surely youve got friends who can barely wipe their own asses. i know i have! lol. does anyone worry about the neighbourhood crazy who got the exact samr rights as you? and come on now be honest!


Well-Known Member
a few points i would like to adress if thats ok. primarily it seems alot of people are saying "damn if the crimanals have got guns i want one to!" to this i say what happens when the crimanls start useing grenades? do you all want them too? also my main worry would be i have alot of friends, and im sur you guys are the some are knobheads. its true weve all got friends who are just plain stupid! think about it how many times are you hanging about and a mate does something retarded and all you say is "fuck it what can you do hes a mate?" no i worry about how many of these kind of people have guns! i know everyone here is saying how responsable they are but surely youve got friends who can barely wipe their own asses. i know i have! lol. does anyone worry about the neighbourhood crazy who got the exact samr rights as you? and come on now be honest!
very good points, not to mention very good reasons to own a gun.

Fact: If you are the head of your household, and you live in Kennesaw, GA, by law you are required to own a gun.

I believe it's been like 30 years since there's been a murder. It's crime rate is also significantly lower than the surrounding towns and cities.

Bob Marley Chiefs

New Member
i started this thread as i was asked to stop posting in the gun enthusiast thread. it seems to me for a stoner website theres a hell of a lot of people who like to shoot things! lol.

heres my reasons why i think guns should be banned.
1. in 2006 there were 60.000 fatal incidents involving guns in the us. compare that tt the 4.237 that have been killed in iraq in FIVE years it shows if you want to be safe join the army!
2. america has the highest suicide rates in the world. fact. this even includes switzerland where it is legal for assisted suicide. (for this reason many people from over europe go there for a dignified end.)
3. if people have access to guns they shoot if they dont they cant!
4. only 0.8 percent of fatal shootings in america are in self defenc. this makes a mockery of the claim that fire arms are essential for personal safety.

any way this is all my opinion. if anyone else has any reasons feel free to post!

no way... guns should be legal and here is why i think they should be, how many people are victims of rape, murder, assualt...and many other crimes that could have been prevented if that person had a gun and the proper training to exercise their right to protect themselves...i agree guns are dangerous...but instead of just making them illegal and unreachable to the public...i say train, train, train....we should have classes all over the states that teach people to stay calm and how to properly use their firearm...people have the right to protect themselves...if guns are made me a traitor...or call me what you gone...fuck the states if i cant even protect my friends and faimly from the people that just get illegal guns and kill people around the states with no fighting would be pure chaos....this is exactly what gangs and other crime organizations want to happen...they can run our country if all the have to worry about is the response time of our local law enforcment.......idk just keep guns legal and regulate their uses to trained peoples...well there is my opinion

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
the threatening thing was a joke. kinda like this whole argument. a gun is NOT thing only way to protect myself. sheesh. :peace::joint::joint:
a man with sense.

all i ever hear is "someone does this i'll have to shoot him"

as fdd states, it's really not your only option... i'll opt for an agressive but not "i'm gonna shoot you till you die from it!" attitude, something with a bat, it's gonna hurt em, but it's not gonna put someone in the morgue...

just because they have a gun doesn't mean you need one, something american amendment lovers don't understand. ever. so long as they get their gun, they're happy, to hell with the actual consequences that occur as a result of their "freedom".

american law that benefits you as an individual, hell, ya'll will scream bloody nuurder if anyone tries to effect it, anything that doesn't work for you,hell, change it, it's wrong, fucking goverment are dicks controlling our lives!

yo're all a bunch of double standardized honkies :P ;) if keeping guns is so important as it's your second amendment, then if weed being illegal was the 3rd, would you agree with it and say no more? hellllls no. it's all about getting what you want.

Illegal Smile

Do those who think guns should be banned advocate doing that by constitutional amendment, or some extra-legal way? If by amendment go for it and good luck. If extra-legally then you are far far more dangerous than the guns.


In Illinois you can't legally carry a concealed weapon. You can't have a weapon in your car. You can have a weapon in your home and your business. For all intent and purposes, guns are banned on the streets of Chicago.

This is a headline off of CBS Chicago website today:
More Than A Dozen Shot In Chicago Overnight
7 Victims In One Attack; Total Of 15 Hurt Over Four Hours

This was armed robberies, a car jacking and drive-by shootings. It looks like banning guns in Chicago hasn't stopped the bad guys from killing at will.


a man with sense.

all i ever hear is "someone does this i'll have to shoot him"

as fdd states, it's really not your only option... i'll opt for an agressive but not "i'm gonna shoot you till you die from it!" attitude, something with a bat, it's gonna hurt em, but it's not gonna put someone in the morgue...

just because they have a gun doesn't mean you need one, something american amendment lovers don't understand. ever. so long as they get their gun, they're happy, to hell with the actual consequences that occur as a result of their "freedom".

american law that benefits you as an individual, hell, ya'll will scream bloody nuurder if anyone tries to effect it, anything that doesn't work for you,hell, change it, it's wrong, fucking goverment are dicks controlling our lives!

yo're all a bunch of double standardized honkies :P ;) if keeping guns is so important as it's your second amendment, then if weed being illegal was the 3rd, would you agree with it and say no more? hellllls no. it's all about getting what you want. no

to quote andrew jackson

the strongest defense fir the people to bear arms is, as a last resort, to defend themselves from tyranny in government

that is all


Well-Known Member
this is a toughie. i just dont understand. there were 15 killings in chaigaco the other night but you still think guns should be legal? are you saying because people arnt allowed to carry them on the streets this is why those people were killed? i have come to a conclusion. america has gone to far to ban guns now. and i find that very sad. i agree that by banning guns now people will have no defence against the marauding criminals. but dont you think its sad it got this far? new question. if you had the choice of nobody has a gun or everyone has a gun what would you choose?
( please dont post saying this would never happen as this is a hypothetical question)
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