Does anyone grow in an apartment?


Active Member
I'm just wondering how many of you grow in an apartment complex and what you do to keep people from smelling it? i have a friend in the same complex as me and everytime you open the door to his floor you smell pot. I'm looking to start growing with a grow tent (probably around 5' by 5') and really dont want to my whole floor to smell like buds. I'm new to indoor growing so i have no idea where to even begin.


Well-Known Member
I do and all you need is a good carbon filter. My apartment smells like good ole america... Until I open my box then it stinks for a bit but all the air in here eventually get's filtered through the carbon.


Well-Known Member
Carbon filter is the only thing that is a sure shot, everything else is questionably effective. I have had good luck with the odorsok, which is a lightweight carbon filter, but I had to get one that was 1000cfm. Everything else I tired, gels and negative ions and hepa filters, was just a band-aide.

I added a photocatalytic converter which did make a noticeable difference, but a carbon filter should be the foundation of any odor control.


Well-Known Member
with a good filter, the smell during flowering is negligible.

even with a good filter, the smell during drying/curing can be overwhelming.

i used to grow in an apartment and shortly after i started, the apartment manager moved in next door to me. after every harvest she would always talk to me about something very pungent smelling if she saw me on my balcony. i would just play dumb, but at times i was pretty close to finding a good skunk carcass to plant somewhere to plausibly explain away the smell.

good times.

Bayou bud

Active Member
I live in a small apartment, and my grow tent takes up more than half the size of the room. Think I'm kidding, I have pics of the tent from me on my bed up against the wall. You'll be able to make it work.

Here is what I did. -> No Smell at all. Carbon filter in the tent sucking out more CFMs than the intake blows in. But then I have another cheap carbon filter tucked in the corner of the front room where my entrance door is to my apt. This I turn on whenever I smoke and every night before I go to bed. Over the night it sucks all the smell out, also when I open my front door it sucks all of the air in the apt in that direction at all times. So even from the front room there is a carbon filter, and then the louder much more aggressive one in the tent.