Does anyone have an "emergency plan" should police show up at your door?


Well-Known Member
Well, they make this pretty cool little device called a incinerator. You can buy one online. Keep it near your grow room and if they come knocking, depending how many you have, cut them real quick throw them in the incinerator, close the hatch and away they burn. It will burn them to nothing in 1 minute and it won't open until it is finished.. Then they have nothing, but some roots and ash. They won't even bother. An oldtime trick. I wouldn't worry though with less than 20 plants, keep your mouth shut and don't tell anyone. They aren't going after people who do this for personal reasons. they will go after you if you become known as a distributor.


Active Member
Chronic, you must be totally ripped. That's just the craziest idea ever. And how long does the gasoline keep? Or do I have to keep putting more gas on it each day just incase they come? :P
All ways ripped like stallone in rambo 2, but thats also why i forgot to add a gunpowder paste 5 boxes of quarter sticks will do but you can never be to
safe gotta make sure everything burns but not your house.


Well-Known Member
what an idiot. sue the contractor/builder while rooms full of pot! i would of cleaned the f-ing hell out of those rooms and dress them up to look like bad weather shelter/walk in gun safe room? that would of really busted those nazi pigs balls!


Build a commercial sized incinerator into your home and use it as your grow chamber. Security alarm setup to trigger the incinerator if anyone enters the outer room without a code and rfid chip on their person. EzPz

(I looked into large gun safes a while back with the intention of modifying one with propane burners so it could incinerate the contents on demand. The safety and ventilation requirements made it as expensive / much more than simply buying a surplus commercial incinerator with everything built in except the gas feed and exhaust. There are large versions of this made for securing paper and electronic storage for highly classified facilities but they can use explosives we peons can't purchase).


Well-Known Member
Lol, here in Cali. I'd simply show them my medical marijuana ID card ;).

Fact of the matter is (here in the states) that when the cops show up at your door and it's because of your plants, they already KNOW you're growing and they're coming with a search warrant. They don't knock and stand at the door patiently waiting for you to answer and have a discussion. In most states they knock once, yell "Police, search warrant!", and they bust in your door, all in a matter of a few seconds. In those situations you can forget any chance of getting rid of the evidence when you're growing pot, it's totally unrealistic. With some other drugs perhaps, but not MJ.

If they show up at your door for some random innocuous reason totally unrelated, just make SURE they can't smell it from the door or that's all the reasonable suspicion they need to search your house. Short of that, or seeing paraphernalia from the door or windows, you've got nothing to worry about. As others have said... be smart, keep your mouth shut, and don't tell anybody that you're growing. That's your best defense short of moving to a friendly state. If you insist on growing in an unfriendly state, don't do it on your property, and don't get caught.


Build a commercial sized incinerator into your home and use it as your grow chamber. Security alarm setup to trigger the incinerator if anyone enters the outer room without a code and rfid chip on their person. EzPz
I don't know if you can trust RFID technology with your life, you'll probably wind up getting burned to a crisp along side your nuggets, maybe not the worst way to go though...

I suppose it's better than turning your grow room into a huge bomb like chronic said :)