the live chat is the best part of these streams.
They are propaganda sources, not news sources, propaganda serves the interests of those who create it, news serves the consumer using professional standards and practices. Fox blurs the line with spun factual news and bullshit opinion riddled with propaganda and disinformation. Don't watch it if you don't have a firm grasp on reality or the facts, there are other sources and books that professionally analyze their content, you don't need to fill your head with shit.
Are the narratives presented by legitimate American media congruent with that of reliable international news sources? Sources like the CBC, CTV and Global from Canada, the BBC and British networks, the English services of the German, French and Dutch networks, they are all available online. Does the fake news conspiracy extend to them too? Is the whole world out to get poor innocent little Donald? Are they all in on it? How about their opinion pieces?
There is absolutely no doubt about the truth, Trump is a liar and a bullshit artist and the suckers and losers who support him have no interest in the truth. They are willing to fall for the most absurd conspiracy theories and transparent lies like a drowning man clutching for a straw. They will believe anything but the truth, even when that truth is bitch slapping them in the face while covid and mother nature stomps them into the ground. Some even die with Donald's lies on their lips or they are their last words before they are intubated.
Scroll ahead 1:30 and hear what the great leader said about covid a week before the election. Today marks 300,000 American dead, the start of vaccinations and hope, over 3000 are dying a day and will for the next two months minimum. Do his supporters filter their perception of reality because of strong biases and fear? Listen carefully and compare it to the current reality. Come up with some better thread topics please.
Trump says pandemic will end soon and accuses Biden of overstating Covid crisis | US Elections 2020