Does anyone here dip?


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine stopped by and when I was out about to have a cig he offered it to me, so I grabbed a bit out of the tin and stuck it my lip... gag.
It was some kind of apple flavor, never again.

I'm sure after the first few times it's not as bad just like with cigs, but I don't think I could see myself dipping...


Well-Known Member
Theres a reason it taste like shit and makes you sick silly, do you really want to know what I think?


Well-Known Member
I bet that fiberglass feels great.
Dip is disgusting, especially when people spit into water bottles.
They could at least spit into something opaque...


Well-Known Member
Matter Of fact you should quit smoking ciggs. so you'll be around longer, I say this cause I care.


Well-Known Member
I only smoke 3-4 a day, and they're the additive free kind (which I'm not convinced are all that healthier) but it's a start.


Well-Known Member
I bet that fiberglass feels great.
Dip is disgusting, especially when people spit into water bottles.
They could at least spit into something opaque...
Nothing funnier than a person spitting that filth in a Beer bottle and some cheap assed drunk pitching it back expecting a free swig of beer LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
I can hardly understand why someone would smoke tobacco..let alone stick some in there mouth. if you smoke pot, cigs make no sense imo @ all, whether @ wooork blah blah. If you cannot sneak a toke.. then it is not the time to smoke ! o_O


Well-Known Member
Used to love a big wad of Redman. Especially when hunting, back when I smoked.

My cousin dips Copenhagen........swallows that spit too. Been doing it for at least 15 yrs. Nasty.


Active Member
Try not to chew, but do like a dip from time to time. Same goes with cigs, you're right, the gag goes away after awhile, but I usually have a can of grizzly (cheap shit) for when i've got adderal looking to tear up long term studying :).


Well-Known Member
lol when I first saw the title, I thought this was some kind of thread on double dipping chips in dip lol. I do not think chewing tobacco is referred to as "dip", To take a pinch of tobacco and put in your mouth, is to "dip". I chewed tobacco for a couple years, all it does it stain and rot your teeth and give you bad breath, Its a disgusting habit. I am still a cigarette smoker but I would never think of chewing tobacco again.


Well-Known Member
lol when I first saw the title, I thought this was some kind of thread on double dipping chips in dip lol. I do not think chewing tobacco is referred to as "dip", To take a pinch of tobacco and put in your mouth, is to "dip". I chewed tobacco for a couple years, all it does it stain and rot your teeth and give you bad breath, Its a disgusting habit. I am still a cigarette smoker but I would never think of chewing tobacco again.

I'm not talking about chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco and chewing tobacco are two different things.

This was dip, a tin of apple skoal... Some real nasty shit lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco and chewing tobacco are two different things.

This was dip, a tin of apple skoal... Some real nasty shit lol.
chewing tobacco is separate from a thing called dipping tobacco you say? What is the object of "dipping tobacco" If you do not chew on it? you snort it? stick it in your ear? Why don't you try to eat it? You are misinformed, dipping tobacco and chewing tobaccoo are the exact same. Chewing tobacco, you do not actually chew, just simply place between your bottom lip and bottom front teeth and suck the juices out of the tobacco, repetitively then you spit. My point though, chewing tobacco or what you like to call "dip" is bad, rots out your teeth and gives you cancer.


Well-Known Member
chewing tobacco is separate from a thing called dipping tobacco you say? What is the object of "dipping tobacco" If you do not chew on it? you snort it? stick it in your ear? Why don't you try to eat it? You are misinformed, dipping tobacco and chewing tobaccoo are the exact same. Chewing tobacco, you do not actually chew, just simply place between your bottom lip and bottom front teeth and suck the juices out of the tobacco, repetitively then you spit. My point though, chewing tobacco or what you like to call "dip" is bad, rots out your teeth and gives you cancer.
Dipping tobacco is only meant to throw in your lip and spit the juices, with chewing tobacco you have to put in in your cheek and actually chew it to get the flavor and nicotine.

Why would they ever call it chewing tobacco if you're not meant to actually chew it?


Well-Known Member
Chewing tobacco is like loose leaf tobacco, dip is like really fine and moist shredded tobacco.


Well-Known Member
One job I had back in the day was in a sawmill and every day at lunch time this ol retired guy would show up and we would play penny ante poker.
This old guy would take Copenhagen and snort a pinch, I always thought it smelled good so one day I was out in a shed and found a can with a little bit left in it and I thought WTF and grabbed a pinch and snorted it like the old guy....THAT BASTARD!!!!!!!! I've never since have thought it nice in any way, I've never sneezed so much in my life. So don't try it unless you like the burn one gets from snorting battery acid.