does anyone in usa use 400w hps lights?


Well-Known Member
1. where did u get it im thinking
2. does it come in plain box? or does it have a big sign saying hps grow light on it?
3. how long to ship?
4. size 400/600watt? and how much did it cost?
5.ever think u were gunna flag the eletric company do to 400/600w increase?

im just trying tofind a place that isnt gunna ship it with grow light all over the box that a decent price im prob gunna go with htg inless some knows of a better place


Well-Known Member
i got mine from there, live in LA. not a problem to worry about but with all my fans and such the bill went up a good $35 a month. add that to A/C and 350w in other lights i'm paying $40 a month extra on lights. pay on time though you shouldn't worry about cops or anything, it's just not enough wattage


Well-Known Member
High Tech Garden Supply

just picked this up two days ago. ordered friday at 3 pm. delievered tuesday afternoon.

i got the advanced agrowmax bulb. it is great.

came in a plain shipping box. inside that was 1 more box with the goods. they gave me a free htg lighter with bottle opener on bottom. the setup and lighter surely called for a smoke and a beer.

its a great time to add lights. its just getting cold where i live and the increase can be blamed on base board heat!

edit: i also got the foxfarms triple pack, don't know if i hit a minimum cost to receive the lighter. :)


Well-Known Member
1. you should prolly try waiting more than an hour before you being assuming answers if no one posts!
2. They ship in plain box
3. shipping depends where you live... maybe 2, maybe 5 days since they're located on the east coast.
4. Wattage all depends on your grow space and number of plants. 4-5 plants, i'd only go 400w, and go up from there.
5. I SERIOUSLY doubt your power company would even notice the increase, such little increase at that as long as you pay your bill... they are like everyother business, as long as they get their money, you can use as much as their product as you wish. If the law enforcment obtains a court order to review your power consumption... then you're ALREADY under investigation for something... if your using one light, they've got better shit to do and bigger fish to fry!

BTW... why you so parinoid about a box being labled with the light on it... At least the guys shipping it will know not to drop the shit... IMO your beans is what I'd worry bout the most if you order them online... My mama dukes buys sssooo much shit for her indoor garden (legit weirdo/exotic plants) and sent to the house without any questions for anyone... even the power co. And god only knows how much she racks up the power bill!!!!!

Just do more research before you commit to buying anything that you'll regret later... make up a plan to grow, layout a grow room, identify your ventilation/light/feeding, and then make up an inventory list of what you going to need and shop around... then execute.

Also... I'm no expert... but using RUI and GOOGLE has taught me everything I know that I didn't pick up from my buddies around me who are experianced at it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, 400 watts is not much. Many of the computers we are on right now are consuming as much power, if not more.

Also if you are worried about the slight increase in energy consumption consider switching out other lights in your home that may still be running incandescent bulbs for lower wattage cfl bulbs, if you have not already.


Active Member
I ordered a 400w hps from htg, and had no problems at all. I grow only 2 at a time for personal, and the light is perfect for that. It was quick, discreet, and works great. The electric co. will not look twice, there are so many household appliances that could cause that kind of increase in your energy bill. No worries. Now if you're running a major opperation with a few thousand watts of light, be cautious....