does anyone know a better way to bake?


Active Member
im tired of smoking...frankly my lungs cant take it 55.
cough cough...ive been smoking since i was 17.
i quit smoking cigarettes almost 10 years ago.
i wake up in the mornings and my chest is wheezing.
i need a better way to enjoy grass...which is a given right.
i hate it how they label us criminals for using such a harmless substance.
one day we WILL be vindicated.
but for now...
ive tried a few brownie recipies but they were never quite right.
does anyone know a better proven sure fire easy way to injest..bake..drink teas?

suggestions for a good recipie highly welcome.


Well-Known Member
Which way did you make the brownies I just posted a good tutorial on making cooking oil.
Making your cooking oil

Keep checking around i have a wicked tea recipe I will post for you this week.

Until then take care of those lungs we will get you figured out :weed: [/list]


Active Member
thanks rollitup....

what brownie recipies do you have?

i didnt bake so i dont know the recepie...a girl friend did the baking...i just gave the main ingredient.


Well-Known Member
That recipe I posted was for the cooking oil, then you just follow the regular brownie mix ingedients, some people say making the butter is better but I prefer the oil as its easy to store and never goes bad.

It could be that if they used the oil to back the brownies that they cooked it on to high of heat.

Try that recipe that i posted tell me how it works out for you.



New Member
You can also get some pre-made cookie dough (pillsbury), and about 7grams of kief.
Then just mix the kief into the dough, and follow the baking instructions on the package. I heard it makes for some great cookies, but I haven't tried it yet.

If anyone tries this, let us know how it turns out. :leaf:


Active Member
ah, actually, i have a friend who has the exact same problem as you..he has a very bad lung condition, but eatting weed just wasn't the same for's a different high deffinatly. What he did was bought a nice vaporizer, and has never had a problem since. Says it's just like breathing really. So perhaps you should give that a try? dunno, just a thought. :leaf:


Active Member
--this is only if you decide to try a vapo, I've never injested weed so I can't help you too much--
If you decide to try a vaporizer and don't want to buy a real one (which I believe you should) this is a link to directions for a home made one.
its not technically a real vaporizer because you can't control the temperature at a constant rate to lock out most the harmfull chemicals that a real vaporizer can. but I'm not sure if its a softer hit than the alternatives either.
And btw a bong is more harmfull than a joint or pipe, the common myth is that its healthier to smoke from a bong because the water "filters the tar" when really what happens is you get water vapor+tar in your lungs, which is worse.


Active Member
moonshadowmoonshadow said:
im tired of smoking...frankly my lungs cant take it 55.
cough cough...ive been smoking since i was 17.
i quit smoking cigarettes almost 10 years ago.
i wake up in the mornings .
?? do you drink coffee or tea a great way to get a little bit of meds i find is a little bit of hash or keif in the coffee or tea with mile the thc desolves into the fats in the milk or cream and dosent flavor it too much so it goes down easy and makes the day a bit more relaxed i use about 1/4 a gram of hash in a tim hortens mocha XL finely ground try it its my cannamocha :weed: :mrgreen:


Active Member
Im jumping on the vaporizor bandwagon. They are a reat way to conserve weed and keep your lungs healthy. You can also take your vaped weed and use it to make edibles. If you ahve never smoked out of a vape before then I suggest trying it before you buy it. Some people don't like it, some people do. I plan on getting one, not because of my lungs, but because I have to smoke covertly in my new apartment. Vapes are tight, but nothing is better than that wonderful sensation of inhaling smoke.


Active Member
try a one hitter. don't inhale hard, 'sip'. don't let anyone get you laughing.

good for you for quitting tobacco. think how much worse you'd be if you hadn't. good good; Kudos, you are strong.

spliffs are a waste of smoke -- unless there's three or more of you -- and also will tempt you to inhale in the normal cigarette fashion (bad).

a side issue: keep orange juice handy to lube your pipes between each hit.

water pipes make wheezing worse. someone suggested here it's because of inhaling water vapor: IMO it's from dead smoke.

huh hadn't seen the vaporizer idea since salvia. i agree you should try it before you buy it; doesn't do the job for some people.


New Member
Get a vaporizer, like a Volcano. It's expensive but doesn't hurt your lungs and it doesn't have any odor. I've seen some videos on it and have read alot about it. Supposed to be the best.


Well-Known Member
Vaporizers are the way to go, but don't skimp out on one. Your going to have to dish out 600-700$ for a good one. Volcano is the best on the market.
I have asthma, and my doc told me not to smoke anymore. i switched to a vape and now, i'm breathing easy.


OR make firecrackers. take a ritz cracker, spread peanut butter on it, take about enough herb to roll a j and sprinkle it on top, and wrap the cracker in foil. put in the oven @ 325 for about 15-20 minutes. good luck!


Well-Known Member
ah, actually, i have a friend who has the exact same problem as you..he has a very bad lung condition, but eatting weed just wasn't the same for's a different high deffinatly. What he did was bought a nice vaporizer, and has never had a problem since. Says it's just like breathing really. So perhaps you should give that a try? dunno, just a thought. :leaf:
+1. Exactly what I was gonna suggest, Vaporizers have such a smooth hit and the high is pure THC.


Well-Known Member
Get yourself some concentrates, hash, honey oil....less you have to smoke more potency.

Also I would highly recommend getting a Vaporizer...They cut cellulite matterial almost 95%...thats a clean smoke and it amplifies the taste !
Good luck to you man


Well-Known Member
try a one hitter. don't inhale hard, 'sip'. don't let anyone get you laughing.

good for you for quitting tobacco. think how much worse you'd be if you hadn't. good good; Kudos, you are strong.

spliffs are a waste of smoke -- unless there's three or more of you -- and also will tempt you to inhale in the normal cigarette fashion (bad).

a side issue: keep orange juice handy to lube your pipes between each hit.

water pipes make wheezing worse. someone suggested here it's because of inhaling water vapor: IMO it's from dead smoke.

huh hadn't seen the vaporizer idea since salvia. i agree you should try it before you buy it; doesn't do the job for some people.
How are spliffs a waist of tome ?
Smoking a joint is a very effective way of using weed.And sometimes Orange juice isnt the best for some people. It carries your high longer some people cant be high for a long time.And as far as water pipes...well bongs bubblers and any time of water piece are the cleanest of any smokes...


Well-Known Member
try a one hitter. don't inhale hard, 'sip'. don't let anyone get you laughing.

good for you for quitting tobacco. think how much worse you'd be if you hadn't. good good; Kudos, you are strong.

spliffs are a waste of smoke -- unless there's three or more of you -- and also will tempt you to inhale in the normal cigarette fashion (bad).

a side issue: keep orange juice handy to lube your pipes between each hit.

water pipes make wheezing worse. someone suggested here it's because of inhaling water vapor: IMO it's from dead smoke.

huh hadn't seen the vaporizer idea since salvia. i agree you should try it before you buy it; doesn't do the job for some people.
How are spliffs a waist of tome ?
Smoking a joint is a very effective way of using weed.And sometimes Orange juice isnt the best for some people. It carries your high longer some people cant be high for a long time.And as far as water pipes...well bongs bubblers and any time of water piece are the cleanest of any smokes...Also vaporizers are used more now for medical use than ever. Salvia i never heard of using a vaporizer for, it needs a torch lighter to get hit enough to activate the chemical.