Does anyone know how many watts i can run in an apartment???


Well-Known Member
Just found this thread thought i would share here is what heresaid copied and pasted
busted? my apartment was inspected =(

they came in to inspect the fire alarms, extinguisher, sprinklers.
they said they went into each individual room to inspect it.
i was gone between 11am-3pm and its now 4:45
i have a large 4x4 tent in my room, and several plants in my closet, all which are fairly visible. they said they sent out an e-mail notice last week, but I never got it.
im hoping they decided to go easy on a student and not call the cops, but im also expecting the cops to come knocking any second now.​


Well-Known Member
First of all are you in a shared dorm or something? second if not and you are renting a apt unit from a rental agency you are intitled to you're space privacy and rights and your unit is should only be entered becouse of an emergency and inspections do not fall under that..every tenent must be issued a written 24 or 48 hour notice before entry is legal once this notice is served placed on your door or in your mail box then no matter what they are ok to come in..That is law, when i was the maintnance mng of one apt unit before we knew someone had died in one of our units becouse of the smell you will never forget the smell, yet we could not legally enter that unit until we had one the permission from the familly or had secured a possible death warrant to enter..These are facts so i dont know your situation all thogether but seems to me they were wrong for entering unless you agreed to your form of communication being that of e-mail..Peace


I grow in a one bedroom apt in socal and i use a 600w hps for flowering in a 3x4x8 grow tent hooked up to a/c. I also have a 250w mh in a seperate closet for veg. And a cloning box with a 125w cfl. Lots of fans and timers and pumps all hooked up to. Plus i have a bigscreen tv and a ps3 in my living room. All hooked up to 3 breakers... Knock on wood that things keep running smooth = )


Well-Known Member
that..every tenent must be issued a written 24 or 48 hour notice before entry

Not if its an emergency like a flood or fire in neighboring units.


Well-Known Member
Im on one single 15 amp circuit. But it is shared with three plugs throughout the place. If I wanna vacuum I have to unplug my HID. The things we do..